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Take Command 31.0:


Take Command, TCC, CMDebug, and TCC-RT  are built with a new version of Visual Studio.



Take Command:


Many security, performance & size improvements.





Many security, performance & size improvements.


The command dialogs Attributes dialog now supports the Integrity (ReFS only) and "No Scrub Data" (ReFS only) attributes.


TCC will clear the ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_INPUT flag from STDIN after running external apps. (There's at least one badly-behaved app out there that is setting it but not clearing it when it exits.)


TCC has a new pseudo-character device. TMP0: - TMP9: are similar to CLIP-: - CLIP9:, but are a little faster because they always work in UTF16 (so they don't translate to/from ANSI), and they don't need to access the Windows Clipboard (for CLIP0:). They also do not rotate like CLIPn: when something is pasted to the Windows Clipboard. Like CLIPn:,  TMPn: values are local to the current session of TCC.


Prefixing a command name with a * will now ignore library function name matches (as well as the previous behavior of ignoring alias name matches).



IDE / Batch Debugger:


Many security, performance & size improvements.


The Scintilla edit control has been updated to version 5.3.7.


The Lexilla syntax coloring control has been updated to version 5.2.7.


The Toolbox window has been updated with all of the new commands, command dialogs, variables, and functions since v27.


The "Go To" dialog now shows the current line, the current column, and the total number of lines in the tab window.


There is a new "RegEx Filter" combobox on the toolbar. If you enter a string in the filter box, the debugger will hide all non-matching lines in the current tab window.


There are three new features in the "Find" dialog box:


The Find text edit control is now a combobox, so you can retrieve prior search strings

There is a new "Wrap" checkbox option that will (continuously) loop through the document

There is a new "Mark All" button that will place a bookmark on each matching line in the document. Marking supports either extended TCC wildcards (i.e., *, ?, []) or regular expressions. If you enter a string with no wildcards, a * will be prefixed and appended to the string (i.e., *string*) to find a match anywhere in the line.


There are five new features in the "Replace" dialog box:


The Find text edit control is now a combobox, so you can retrieve prior search strings

The Replace text edit control is now a combobox, so you can retrieve prior replacement strings

There is a new "Wrap" checkbox option that will (continuously) loop through the document

The regular expression option supports RE replacements

The Replace dialog now displays the number of replacements in the bottom right





Many security, performance & size improvements.


The Scintilla edit control has been updated to version 5.3.7.


The Lexilla syntax coloring control has been updated to version 5.2.7.


The "Go To" dialog now shows the current line, the current column, and the total number of lines in the tab window.


There is a new "RegEx Filter" combobox on the toolbar. If you enter a string in the filter box, TCEdit will hide all non-matching lines in the current tab window.


There are three new features in the "Find" dialog box:


The Find text edit control is now a combobox, so you can retrieve prior search strings

There is a new "Wrap" checkbox option that will (continuously) loop through the document

There is a new "Mark All" button that will place a bookmark on each matching line in the document. Marking supports either extended TCC wildcards (i.e., *, ?, []) or regular expressions. If you enter a string with no wildcards, a * will be prefixed and appended to the string (i.e., *string*) to find a match anywhere in the line.


There are five new features in the "Replace" dialog box:


The Find text edit control is now a combobox, so you can retrieve prior search strings

The Replace text edit control is now a combobox, so you can retrieve prior replacement strings

There is a new "Wrap" checkbox option that will (continuously) loop through the document

The regular expression option supports RE replacements

The Replace dialog now displays the number of replacements in the bottom right





The eWriter file viewer has been updated to version 4.0, and the skin for the Take Command help has been rewritten.


The help is build with a new version of Help & Manual (9.2).



New Internal Variables:


_PBATCHNAME - Returns the name of the parent batch file. If there is no parent (the batch file was not CALL'd), it returns an empty string.



Updated Internal Variables:


_VOLUME - Added workaround for Windows 10/11 bug on some systems.



New Variable Functions:


@TMP[n,id] - Returns line n from the specified TMP device (0 - 9).


@TMPWN[id, string] - Writes the string to the specified TMP device (0 - 9).



Updated Variable Functions:


@WSLPATH - Now does a "truename" to see through network assignments, junctions, symbolic links, SUBST's, and home directory references.



Updated Commands:




The ACTIVATE command dialog now supports the /FLASH=type,count option.




The ALIAS command dialog now supports the /GL, /LL, and /Z options.




The ASSOC command dialog now supports the /U (use HKCU) option.




The ASSOCIATE command dialog now supports the /V:verb option.




The ATTRIB command dialog now supports the /L (symlinks) option, and the Integrity (V) and "No Scrub Data" (X) attributes.




The BEEP command now has a command dialog.




The BZIP2 command dialog now supports the /C (contents) option.




The CAPTURE command now has a command dialog.




The CD command dialog now supports the /D (change drive) option.




The CDD command dialog now supports the /A (display all current directories) option.




The /C and /S options accept the clipboard argument either as a digit (0 - 9) or a string (CLIP0: - CLIP9:).




/DS:[acwu]yyyy-mm-dd - Change the date timestamp on the target file(s) to the specified date.


/RCT - Request the transfer channel compress the data during the copy operation. In Windows 10+, this option is supported for files residing on SMB shares where the SMB protocol version is v3.1.1.1 or greater.


/TS[acwu] - Change the time timestamp on the target file(s) to the specified time.


The COPY command dialog now supports the /BAK (backup before overwriting) and /GZ (compress before uploading to HTTPS) options.




The DIRHISTORY command dialog now supports the /GL (global list), /LL (local list), and /M (number entries) options.




/Y - Read a one-dimensional array and assign each value to the DO variable.  For example:


do x in /Y MyArray

   echo x = %x





The ESET command dialog now supports the /GL (global list), /LL (local list), and /B (batch variable) options.




The FTYPE command dialog now supports the /U (use HKCU) option.




The FUNCTION command dialog now supports the /GL, /LL, and /Z options.




The HASH command dialog now supports the /S (current directory and subdirectories) option.




The HISTORY command dialog now supports the /GL and /LL options.




/T - display a countdown timer (/Wn is also required).




/T - display a countdown timer (/Wn is also required).




Prefixing a command name with a * will now ignore library function name matches (as well as the previous behavior of ignoring alias name matches).


The LIBRARY command dialog now supports the /N (display library name + function) and /Q (don't display errors) options.




/DS:[acwu]yyyy-mm-dd - Change the date timestamp on the target file(s) to the specified date.


/TS[acwu] - Change the time timestamp on the target file(s) to the specified time.


The MOVE command dialog now supports the /SX (move to single target directory) option.




The MSGBOX command dialog now supports the /X (unmoveable) option.




The PAUSE command now has a command dialog.




The QUERYBOX command dialog now supports the /POS=top,left option.




/A - Restart applications. Shuts down the system and then restarts it, as well as any applications that have been registered for restart using the Windows RegisterApplicationRestart API.


/F - Force the specified reboot option. This option does not send the WM_QUERYENDSESSION message to applications, so this can cause applications to lose data. This option is only valid when used with the /P, /R, or /S options.


/H (hybrid shutdown) - Prepare the system for a faster reboot. This option is only valid wihen used with the /P, /R, or /S options.




The REGDIR command dialog now supports the /X and /Nb options.




Now displays the scaling factor (100% - 500%) and the DPI (x and y) for each monitor.




The SAVECONSOLE command now has a command dialog.




The SELECT command dialog now supports the /D (no directory colorization) option.




The SENDHTML command dialog now supports the /IPv6 option.




The SENDMAIL command dialog now supports the /IPv6 option.




The SET command dialog now supports the /A (arithmetic), /B (batch variable), /O (no overwrite), and /R (read-only) options.




The SMPP command now has a command dialog.




The SSHEXEC command now has a command dialog.




The START command dialog now supports the /B option.




The SYNC command dialog now supports the /K (keep read-only attribute) option.




/Nf - don't display the TASKLIST footer.


The TASKLIST command dialog now supports the /I (code and resource integrity), /Nf (no footer), and /R (show process tree) options.




The TREE command dialog now supports the /L (colorization) option.




The WAITFOR command now has a command dialog.




The WEBSOCKET command now has a command dialog.




The WINDOW command dialog now supports the /FLASH=type,count option.




The WMIRUN command now has a command dialog.




The WSETTINGS command dialog now supports 40 additional Windows setting dialogs.



New Commands:




TMP displays or modifies the 10 TMP pseudo-character devices available in TCC (TMP0: - TMP9:). The syntax is:


TMP [/C tmpn: /S tmpn: text /Z]


/C - Clears TMP device n

/S - Sets TMP device n to text


/Z - Clear all TMP devices (TMP0: - TMP9:)


If you don't specify any arguments, TMP will display the current contents of TMP0: - TMP9:.