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Split PATH into parts?

This has been discussed before. And it can be done easily with a replacement command like sed or TPIPE. But is there anything built-in that will do it more simply?

The ability to specify the separators for DO str IN /L would help. Is that worth suggesting?
I quite like that! And I didn't even think of looking at the PATH command. Thanks!
I didn't realize that was there either! Thanks Rex,

Vince, while too little too late, here is my alias that shows my path, but now I'll probably never use it again :smile:

echo   - %@UnQuote[%@replace[;,^r^n  - ,%PATH]]
The above works quite well, but you probably should have mentioned that it requires Cygwin or something similar. "tr" is not a standard part of Windows, it is a unix (gnu) command.

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