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syntax package for VSCode ??

Does anyone know of a syntax package for VSCode to support btm files? I was looking around just now, and couldn't find one. Gvim supports btm pretty well, as does Notepad++.
I've been struggling with a Notepad++ syntax file. Can you point me to the one you use? (Or attach it here?)

Thank you
Thanks for pointing that out, Joe. I remembered getting a syntax file for Notepad++ from here in these forums, but it would have taken me a while to find it.
Hey @ohenryx,
I was pretty sure that I had used a VSCode add-in to work with .BTM files at one time.

After much thinking, I remembered the following issue I had with it;

Which brought me to the name of the VSCode extension;

Maybe you can do better with it than I did.

If you do, please share your findings.

I have no intention of running TCC from within VSCode. What I want is correct syntax highlighting. Take a look at
%localappdata%\programs\microsoft vs code\resources\app\extensions\bat>

I never was big on IDE’s (Integrated Development Environments). Give me a couple of big monitors so that I can have multiple windows open at once, and why in the world would I care about an IDE?
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@Joe: If all you want is to run .btm scripts using TCC to build your project, configure an automation terminal to be TCC.
I did the same for Cygwin bash, since my project automation is written in POSIX shell.