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Declined Extend DEDUPE

Even with SHA512 - there is a chance that it might get a file that is one char different - so the best way to be 100.0% sure that two files are exactly the same is to compare[file1,file2] - so be great if this was added to DEDUPE - or another function written.....

Or if Rex doesn't want to do it - anyone want to consider doing a pkugin command that takes the same parameters as DEDUPE but (1) errors out if any /SHA* param is specified and (2) allows for a /CMPBYTExBYTE switch....... (3) and checks if /ol is used - if it's alos in an elevated session ?
The chances of two non-identical files matching with SHA512 is pretty much nonexistent. I suspect it would be on the order with the monkey on a typewriter knocking out Shakespeare. And certainly less than the chance of a gamma ray flipping a random bit on your computer.
The chances of two non-identical files matching with SHA512 is pretty much nonexistent. I suspect it would be on the order with the monkey on a typewriter knocking out Shakespeare. And certainly less than the chance of a gamma ray flipping a random bit on your computer.

Thank you..... Is there a way to make a list of the duplicates that DEDUPE /SHA512 finds - then it's trivial to write a BTM to parse that list file and run a compare[] to do a BYTExBYTE comparison - just to be 100.0% sure....

I looked Here to see and i can't tell the output when using /V and not using the switch?
You're wasting your time; if you ever find a difference it's a million times more likely to be an error in your RAM or disk buffering, but ...

/V also shows the hash for the matching files.

Just doing a plain DEDUPE will give you the matching files; the first one found will be in column zero and the matches will be on the following lines in column two. So just redirect that output to a file, and parse it with your BTM.