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If I issue "MKLNK" (without "/=") I get the command dialog anyway (which seems wrong).

If I use the command dialog, and enter "exists" in the first box (existing file or directory) and "new" in the second box (new file or directory link), the command line created is
MKLNK new exists
which seems to be the opposite of the help's
parm1 Name of an existing file (hard link) or directory (for soft link).
parm2 Name of the new directory entry (a file or directory reference) to be created.
And MKLINK would seem to indicate success inappropriately.
v:\> mklink /j adhome o:\
Junction created for adhome <<===>> o:\

v:\> dir adhome\

TCC: (Sys) The data present in the reparse point buffer is invalid.
No, that's right (and has always behaved that way).

Commands that don't take a default value will invoke the command dialog if you don't provide an argument.
OK, I see it now ... with REN, and COPY. Is that new?
If I use the command dialog, and enter "exists" in the first box (existing file or directory) and "new" in the second box (new file or directory link), the command line created is
MKLNK new exists

I have corrected the ordering in the next build.

However, you shouldn't be using MKLNK - it has been obsolete since Windows 7. You should be using MKLINK.