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News Take Command / TCC / CMDebug / TCC-RT 25.0.18 uploaded

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Staff member
I've uploaded v25 build 18 to the web site.

25.0.18 IDE / TCEdit - the File / Close and Close All options now prompt to save modified files before closing the tab
25.0.18 Help file updates
25.0.18 IDE - the "Run to Cursor" option was missing from some of the language DLL's
25.0.18 IDE - disabled docking & floating of the "Command Expansion" window (pending a fix in the GUI framework)

25.0.17 TCMD - now allows (but not recommended!) overriding menu accelerator keys with Alt-alpha shortcut keys
25.0.17 TCC - added support for FTP / HTTP URLs in directory aliases
25.0.17 LIBRARY - changed default tab completion to "[/r] * [1] libraries [2*] *"
25.0.17 UNLIBRARY - changed default tab completion to "[/r] * [1*] libraries"
25.0.17 Help file updates
25.0.17 TCMD - fixed an RTL bug when deleting the last toolbar tab
25.0.17 TCMD - fixed a bug when using the mouse to change the current cursor location
25.0.17 TCC - fixed an RTL display problem with displaying timer results when using a decimal character other than '.'

25.0.16 TCC - fixed a problem when pressing Escape when in a popup window (command history / tab completion etc.)

25.0.15 FOR - fixed a problem with /A:d
25.0.15 Help file updates
25.0.15 INKEY - Changed key parsing to recognize both Alt-0 - Alt-9 special keys and Alt-nnn chars

25.0.14 DIR - fixed a problem with displaying the target of a junction
25.0.14 Help file updates

25.0.12 TCMD - fixed a problem when cloning a tab window after starting a TCC secondary process

25.0.11 TCMD - fixed a bug when calling a folder dialog
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