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Update removes taskbar-pinned shortcut

Since "release", updating TCC15 causes my taskbar-pinned TCC15 to disappear. It's a small PITA. That did not happen before release or with updates to version 14. And the "remove previous versions" install option page is gone. Could there be a relation between the two? I'd gladly have that page back if it will save me having to re-create my taskbar shortcut on every upgrade.
It used to do that for me too, but maybe it was just a fluke with the latest installer for 15.0.29, the pinned shortcut did not disappear and worked just fine after the installation

Did you try it yet?
It used to do that for me too, but maybe it was just a fluke with the latest installer for 15.0.29, the pinned shortcut did not disappear and worked just fine after the installation

Did you try it yet?
The bulid 29 instllation removed that shortcut here (Win7).
The workaround is to have the installer launch TCMD, then right click, unpin and re-pin before closing the icon. Pain in the arse, but it's better than nothing, if you happen to remember.
I'm not sure how you never saw this before. I asked Rex about this in V12 (I think). He said that in order to get the magic Microsoft seal of approval for Win7, he wasn't allowed to create a pinned shortcut. I know that Google Chrome creates a pinned shortcut, but they probably don't care whether MS gives them a gold star or not.

After I update, my pinned icon turns into a white square. It's been doing that for as long as I can remember.
I do the same thing as thedave to work around it.
I wonder what would happen if I simply denied delete access to C:\Users\vefatica\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar\TCC15.lnk?

I don't want the installation to create a pinned shortcut. I just want it to leave mine alone as it used to do.
In my case, the original pinned shortcut loses its icon and when you click on it, it says it can't find the application. So Windows is being clever and knows it's a different executable. The pinned shortcut is not actually deleted. It just becomes invalid.
I suspect that the JPSoft installer does something other than just replacing the executables. Probably makes for safer rollbacks if something goes wrong, but from Explorer's point of view it probably looks like something is going on under the scenes.

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