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Updated plugins

Charles Dye

Super Moderator
Staff member
I have uploaded updated versions of a couple of my plugins:

ISO8601 and QCAL: I've completely rewritten the holiday-handling code, so please bang hard on this one. Not just QCAL, but @ISHOLIDAY and @PICKDATE as well. Thanks!

SAY: Following a comment in the feedback forum, I've added support for listing and changing voices.
My WinXP refused to execute FTP. Win7 worked. But I had been playing with AV. Since MS disabled its AV, I tried Avast first. It may be OK for its purporse, but makes loud announcements every time it does anything. I removed it, and installed McAfee, which my bank is paying for the first year. I wonder if McAfee prevents FTP? (Win7 uses MS Security Essentials.)

BTW, some time ago we discussed an enhancement of UIstuff.dll, to let MKSC use its own listing as input. A short time ago I reinstalled WinXP on a new, douled size disk, and have the saved analysis of MKSC. Do I need to do a batch file to reinstall them, or did I miss the latest UIstuff?
BTW, some time ago we discussed an enhancement of UIstuff.dll, to let MKSC use its own listing as input. A short time ago I reinstalled WinXP on a new, douled size disk, and have the saved analysis of MKSC. Do I need to do a batch file to reinstall them, or did I miss the latest UIstuff?

I messed with it at one point, but MKSC went pretty quickly from merely baroque to downright Byzantine. Pulled it out again. If I ever decide I want to implement this ability, I'll probably make it a new command, or two new commands -- one to save, one to restore.
Thanks for the info. I already have a batch program which builds shortcut files from the internal SHORTCUT command's report, should not be a big issue to switch to MKSC's format. But I have slowed down considerably in the last few months.

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