The TCEdit edit windows allow you to edit and debug Windows text files (INI files, batch files, etc.).


If a file in a tab edit window has been modified but not yet saved, the tab title will be prefixed with a *. When the file is saved, the * is removed.


TCEdit will monitor the filesystem for any changes to the file(s) being edited. If another application modifies a file, TCEdit will display a message notifying you of the change and asking if you want to reload the updated file.


If you are using TCC syntax, you can get help for the currently selected (highlighted) command / variable / function by pressing Ctrl-F1, or right-clicking the mouse and selecting Help from the context menu. You can also hover the mouse over a TCC variable name, and TCEdit will pop up a tooltip with the current value. If you hover the mouse over a TCC internal command name, the TCEdit will pop up a tooltip with the command syntax.


TCEdit defaults to line selection. You can block select in the edit window by holding down the Alt key while selecting text with the left mouse button.


The edit window supports multiple selections at one time. You can select additional text by holding down the Ctrl key while dragging with the mouse. Multiple selections are added to the clipboard in order with no delimiting characters. For block selections, the line end is added after each line of text. Block selections are always copied from top to bottom, not in the order of selection.


The editor supports autocompletion for TCC or CMD command names, internal variables, and variable functions. To display the autocompletion dropdown, enter the partial name and then press Ctrl-Enter.




There are two possible margins on the left of the edit window:


The line number (selectable by the "Options / Display Line Numbers" menu option).

The Fold margin (selectable by the "Options / Display Fold Margin" menu option), which will display a - for blocks that can be collapsed to a single line (DO, IFF, and SWITCH commands, and command groups). When a block is collapsed, the Fold margin will display a +. Left clicking in the Fold margin will toggle the fold state.


Syntax Coloring


TCEDIT will select the syntax lexer (colorization) based on the file extension:


.bat CMD (or optionally TCC)
.btm TCC
.cmd CMD (or optionally TCC)
.htm HTML
.php PHP
.shBash shell


The edit window toolbar (which is configurable by clicking on the rightmost down arrow), has a number of icons to control debugging. Each has a tooltip for quick reference:


NewCreate a new file in a new tab window.
OpenOpen an existing file in a new tab window.
SaveSave the current file.
PrintPrint the current file.
CutCopy the highlighted selection to the clipboard and delete it from the file.
Copy Copy the highlighted selection to the clipboard.
PasteCopy the contents of the clipboard to the current cursor location.
DeleteDelete the highlighted selection.
UndoUndo the last edit.
RedoRestore the last Undo.
FindSearch for text.
File PropertiesDisplays information on the current file.
Start New ShellStart another copy of TCC (this is useful if you need to perform some tasks while editing a file.)
HelpDisplay the online help.