I was surprised to learn that BATCOMP does not remove comments, empty lines and leading/trailing whitespace before compression. In my case that in itself produces a compression of about 50%. On top of that BATCOMP manages an other 40%. I would suggest you add the removal of irrelevant text.
I would also suggest you add to the docs the caveat that using BATCOMP breaks the `gosub "<file.btm" label ` functionality because it alse garbles the labels. Perhaps the labels could be spared in a future release?
Again, thanks for a wonderful product.
I use it dayly.
I would also suggest you add to the docs the caveat that using BATCOMP breaks the `gosub "<file.btm" label ` functionality because it alse garbles the labels. Perhaps the labels could be spared in a future release?
Again, thanks for a wonderful product.
I use it dayly.