- Aug
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This batch file demonstrates how to find the start time of a process using PowerShell and TCC.
Since @AGEDATE and @PROCESSTIME are not supported in TCC/LE, this demonstrates how to find the start time of a process using PowerShell from within TCC/LE.
::| STARTTIME.BTM - Display the start time of a process using
::| PowerShell and TCC LE
::| 2014-03-08
::| Joe Caverly
::| TCC LE 13.03.51 Windows XP
::| TCC 16.00.41 Windows Vista SP2
::| PowerShell 2.0
::| In TCC you can use %@agedate[%@processtime[%@pid[theprocess.exe,0],4]]
::| to find the start time of a process.
::| NOTE: I have PowerShell Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
::| If this does not work on your system, check this setting
::| TODO: More error checking
@echo off
iff %# eq 0 then
echo USAGE: starttime.btm procname
echo starttime.btm tcc
set theproc=%1
iff %@right[4,%theproc] eq .exe then
echo Do not use .exe on the end of the process name.
set thefile=%@unique[]
setdos /X-5
echo $a = get-process -Name %theproc > starttime.ps1
echo $a.starttime | Out-File -FilePath %thefile >> starttime.ps1
type starttime.ps1
powershell -File starttime.ps1 > nul
iff %@filesize[%thefile] gt 2 then
echo PowerShell: %@line[%thefile,1]
:: If this is not being run in TCCLE
iff %_cmdproc ne TCCLE then
set thepid=%@pid[%theproc.exe]
echo TCC: %@agedate[%@processtime[%thepid,0],4]
if %@filesize[%thefile] lt 3 echo Could not find process %theproc
:: Cleanup
if exist %thefile del /q %thefile
if exist starttime.ps1 del /q starttime.ps1
Since @AGEDATE and @PROCESSTIME are not supported in TCC/LE, this demonstrates how to find the start time of a process using PowerShell from within TCC/LE.