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Is there any one entry I can put into the HistoryExclude variable which will exclude all invocations of a file? Using the help's example,


I still get a history entry if I issue "notepad" or "notepad.exe".
Is there any one entry I can put into the HistoryExclude variable which will exclude all invocations of a file? Using the help's example,


I still get a history entry if I issue "notepad" or "notepad.exe".

When I view the post quoted above on the web, I see, in the HistoryExclude line, a space between "notepa" and "d.exe". After posting it I edited it to make sure the spave was not there and the space does not appear in the quoted version. Still the space appears on the web version.
When I view the post quoted above on the web, I see, in the HistoryExclude line, a space between "notepa" and "d.exe". After posting it I edited it to make sure the spave was not there and the space does not appear in the quoted version. Still the space appears on the web version.

I should have said the space does not appear in the quote while in the editor, but the space does appear in the web version of the quotation.
vefatica wrote:

> Is there any one entry I can put into the HistoryExclude variable
> which will exclude all invocations of a file? Using the help's
> example,

> HistoryExclude=del;free;f:\windows\system32\notepad.exe;mydir
> I still get a history entry if I issue "notepad" or "notepad.exe".

Don't specify the path. The HistoryExclude test does a wildcard match
on the command names; if you specify a path it will *not* match a
command missing the path.

Rex Conn
JP Software
On Sun, 30 Nov 2008 13:30:43 -0600, rconn <> wrote:

>vefatica wrote:
>> Is there any one entry I can put into the HistoryExclude variable
>---End Quote---
> > which will exclude all invocations of a file? Using the help's
> > example,
>> HistoryExclude=del;free;f:\windows\system32\notepad.exe;mydir
>> I still get a history entry if I issue "notepad" or "notepad.exe".
>---End Quote---
>Don't specify the path. The HistoryExclude test does a wildcard match
>on the command names; if you specify a path it will *not* match a
>command missing the path.

Recommend you say something like that in the help.