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Take Command v12 12.01.44 uploaded

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Staff member
I've uploaded build 12.01.44 to the web and ftp sites.

Build 12.01.44
Numerous optimizations in Take Command, Take Command/LE, TCC, and TCC/LE to make everything run a bit faster.

Added Russian language support to Take Command, Take Command/LE, TCC, and TCC/LE.

New icons for Take Command, Take Command/LE, TCC, and TCC/LE.

FFIND - Added directory wildcard support.

@EVAL - Fixed a problem with hex numbers with embedded "0B".

Build 42
TCMD - Added a workaround for an erratic Windows XP bug when starting TCMD with
the /T option.

Build 41
TCMD - Added a workaround for a Windows bug that could on rare occasions hang TCMD while it was waiting for a message from a TCC tab window.

TCMD - Improved the performance of the TCMD <--> TCC interprocess communications.

COPY - now returns a usage error if no valid target name immediately follows a "to:".

Build 40
Fixed an erratic problem with triple-clicking a line and then right-clicking
for the context menu.

PROCESSMONITOR - Fixed a crash with /C and no arguments.
Can I find the change log anywhere else on JP's site? There used to be a link from the downloads page, but no longer.
On Thu, 06 Jan 2011 17:36:16 -0500, Quatrix <> wrote:

|Can I find the change log anywhere else on JP's site? There used to be a link from the downloads page, but no longer.

If you use the updater, you can look at its config file. Mine is:

E:\Users\vefatica\Application Data\JP Software\Take Command
There is a changelog in the tcmdupdate.aiu file. The current file for
build 44 show changes back to build 34.

The following command will show what was changed for build 44:
type http://jpsoft.com/downloads/v12/tcmdupdate.aiu | ffind /vkm /t"(44)"


Quatrix <> wrote on 01/06/2011 05:36:13 PM:

> Can I find the change log anywhere else on JP's site? There used to
> be a link from the downloads page, but no longer.
Could you perhaps elaborate a little on the performance improvements?

Would be interesting to know which particular operations that were optimized.

Some numbers would also be cool if you have them! :)
Could you perhaps elaborate a little on the performance improvements?

Would be interesting to know which particular operations that were optimized.

Ok, I'll do it myself. :)

Seems like at least DEL has gotten faster. Or at least my DELTREE alias "del /s /x /z /k /e /l" seems to operate quicker now when deleting a build output directory.

It also seems to tell when removing entries from the stored directory list file of the drive.
Could you perhaps elaborate a little on the performance improvements?

Would be interesting to know which particular operations that were optimized.

Some numbers would also be cool if you have them! :)

The parser was optimized, so, that means, well, everything!

Numbers vary wildly depending on what you're doing - anything from .01% to 10% in my testing.
---- Original Message ----
From: rconn
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, 2011. January 11. 14:04
Subject: RE: [Support-t-2520] Re: Take Command v12 12.01.44 uploaded

| Quote:
|| Originally Posted by nikbackm
|| Could you perhaps elaborate a little on the performance improvements?
|| Would be interesting to know which particular operations that were
|| optimized.
|| Some numbers would also be cool if you have them!
| The parser was optimized, so, that means, well, everything!
| Numbers vary wildly depending on what you're doing - anything from
| .01% to 10% in my testing.
---- End Original Message ----

I am just curious - when executing a loop (e.g. DO ... ENDDO) is each command in the loop fully parsed in each pass, or is their partially parsed form saved internally? This is different from the age-old difference btw. 4DOS reading the whole batch file into internal storage at once vs. COMMAND reading each line directly from the file, as that difference does not have anything to do with parsing.
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