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Rex, I have used SECPOL.MSC to give everyone the right to set the system time (and restarted). Still, none of my programs that ask for the SE_SYSTEMTIME_NAME privilege can get it. TCC's TIME can't set the time either, as non-admin (don't know if you ask for SE_SYSTEMTIME_NAME).

Do you know why I can't get that privilege if local security says it's OK?
I can reproduce the error. But cmd throws the same error (missing right).
I can reproduce the error. But cmd throws the same error (missing right).

I asked about this in an MSDN forum and apparently got an answer. I am an admin, and when a security token is created for me under UAC, certain privileges are stripped out of an admin token WITHOUT consulting local security policy. So, having allowed everyone to set the time, an ordinary user can do it, but not me, an admin under UAC. I tested that with an ordinary user, RUNAS.EXE, and CMD's TIME command. Sure enough, the ordinary user can set the time and I can't. Good one, Microsoft!
wow, that's desolate.