@JSONINSERTVALUE[xpath,value,type,position] : Inserts the specified value at the selected position.
Value specifies the new value.
Type specifies the type of the value. Possible values are:
•0 (Object)
•1 (Array)
•2 (String)
•3 (Number)
•4 (Bool)
•5 (Null)
•6 (Raw)
The Position parameter specifies the position of Value relative to the element specified by XPath. Possible values are:
•0 (Before the current element)
•1 (After the current element)
•2 (The first child of the current element)
•3 (The last child of the current element)
The JSON file must have been opened with a previous call to @JSONOPEN.
Returns 0 on success, or a JSON error code on failure.
For example, if you have a JSON file like this:
"store": {
"books": [
"category": "reference",
"author": "Nigel Rees",
"title": "Sayings of the Century",
"category": "fiction",
"author": "Evelyn Waugh",
"title": "Sword of Honour",
To add a new book to the array:
echo %@jsoninsertvalue[/json/store/books,"",0,3]
echo %@jsoninsertproperty[/json/store/books/[3],"category","fiction",2,3]
echo %@jsoninsertproperty[/json/store/books/[3],"author","Herman Melville",2,3]
echo %@jsoninsertproperty[/json/store/books/[3],"title","Moby Dick",2,3]
10231 Unbalanced element tag |
10232 Invalid JSON markup |
10233 Invalid XPath |
10234 DOM tree unavailable |
101 Invalid attribute index |
102 No attributes available |
103 Invalid namespace index |
104 No namespaces available |
105 Invalid element index |
106 No elements available |
107 Attribute does not exist |
201 Unbalanced element tag |
202 Unknown element prefix (can't find namespace) |
203 Unknown attribute prefix (can't find namespace) |
204 Invalid XML markup |
205 Invalid end state for parser |
206 Document contains unbalanced element |
207 Invalid XPath |
208 No such child |
209 Top element does not match start of path |
210 DOM tree unavailable |
302 Can't open file. |