Purpose:Display or set process priority, or suspend or resume a process


Format:PRIORITY [/= /D /E /P[n] /Q /R /S PID | "title" ABOVE | BELOW | NORMAL | HIGH | IDLE | REALTIME]


ABOVEAbove normal priority
BELOWBelow normal priority
NORMALNormal (default) priority
HIGHHigh priority
IDLEIdle priority (only executes when no higher priority task is scheduled)
REALTIMERealtime priority






You can specify the process either by the PID or by the window title. If you don't specify either a PID or title, PRIORITY will adjust the priority of the current TCC process.


If you only provide a PID or window title, PRIORITY will display the current priority.


If you do not enter any arguments, PRIORITY displays all of the active processes, their current priority, the module names, and the window titles (if any).




Set the process with the window title beginning with TC28 to high priority:


priority "TC28*" HIGH




/=Display the PRIORITY command dialog to help you set the command line options. The /= option can be anywhere on the line; additional options will set the appropriate fields in the command dialog.


/DDisable the ability of Windows to temporarily boost the priority of threads in the process.


/EEnable the ability of Windows to temporarily boost the process of threads in the process.


/P[n]Wait for a key to be pressed after each screen page before continuing the display. The /P option has an optional argument n that specifies the number of seconds to wait for a keystroke before continuing.


/QDon't display any suspend / resume messages.


/RResume the process.


/SSuspend the process.