Purpose:Run command(s) repeatedly, displaying the output and highlighting the difference(s) from the last run.


Format:WATCH [/A /B /C /D /F /Hn /In /Mn /Nf /Nh /R"regex" /Tn /U /V /X] "command ..."


/A highlight all changes/M maximum count
/B beep if return != 0/N[fh] no footer/header
/C clear screen/R regex
/D disable colorization/T footer lines
/F prompt on change/U beep if output changed
/H header lines/V verbose
/I interval/X exit if output changed



WATCH allows you to see how program output changes over time. WATCH will highlight the changed output text. To end the WATCH, press Esc or ^C.


Command can be an internal command, alias, batch file, or an external application.


Note that you need to double your variable %'s if you want the variables to be expanded by the specified commands instead of by WATCH.




watch /c /v "(echo time=%%_time & echo date=%%_date)"




/AHighlights all changes between the current run and the first one,instead of the difference between the current and previous runs.


/BBeeps if the return code != 0


/CClear the display and home the cursor before each run


/DDisable the highlight colorization


/FFreezes the display if the output changed, and prompts you to enter a key to continue.


/HnDisplay only the leading n lines


/InInterval (in seconds) between each run


/MnMaximum number of times to run the command


/N[fh]Don't display the WATCH footer and/or footer


/R"regex"Only display the output line(s) that match the regular expression


/TnDisplay only the trailing n lines


/UBeep if the output changes


/VVerbose output (header and footer)


/XExits if the output changes


"command..."Command(s) to execute