Purpose: | Query the Windows Management Interface |
Format: | WMIQUERY [/= /A /B /C /H /L /Q /USER=username /PASSWORD=password] namespace "query string" [index] |
namespace | The namespace to query |
"query string" | WQL query string |
index | Class instance |
You can use a single period . for namespace to default to root\cimv2.
WMIQUERY also supports remote queries. The namespace argument for remote servers will look like "\\remote-server\root\cimv2" (substitute your server name for "remote-server").
For more details on what is available, see the Microsoft WMI and WQL documentation:
WMI Reference - Win32 apps | Microsoft Docs
If you don't enter any arguments, WMIQUERY will display its command dialog.
To query the name property from the Win32_Processor class:
wmiquery root\cimv2 "SELECT name FROM Win32_Processor"
To query available classes:
wmiquery /A root "select name from __namespace"
/= | Display the WMIQUERY command dialog to help you set the command line options. The /= option can be anywhere on the line; additional options will set the appropriate fields in the command dialog. |
/C | Display all the matching class names for the specified namespace. "query string" is the filter to apply to the returned values; it can contain wildcards. For example: |
wmiquery /c . "win32_q*"
/L | Don't separate records with a CR/LF. (This is probably only useful when you are querying single-line records.) |