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Does anyone still use the 4CONSOLE program?

Anyway, I've uploaded a new 4CONSOLE64.ZIP to ftp://vefatica.net/4plugins/x64/4console64.zip. There's some new stuff and a few old things have been removed. Attached is the text file that comes with it. There's some interesting stuff at the end of that text file ... some new and useful (for me anyway) key actions and some general notes.

As far as I can tell, Firefox (v91 here) no longer supports FTP. :confused:

If anyone knows otherwise, I'd be happy to hear about how to enable it.
K_Meinhard and Kachupp, can you tell me your IP addresses? The first two octets (nnn.nnn.000.000) will be enough.
I'm guessing the range. I just re-instated that filter yesterday after discovering what appeared to be abuse. I have turned that filter off again.
Even Explorer will do it (see below)! I wonder if I can make Explorer automatically handle FTP URLs. I don't really need a GUI FTP; I only use it to check on my own site. But Firefox automatically handling the URLs was certainly easy.

I find TCC is the best way to download a file via ftp:
e:\downloads>copy /g ftp://vefatica.net/4plugins/x64/4console64.zip 4console64.zip
ftp://vefatica.net/4plugins/x64/4console64.zip => E:\Downloads\4console64.zip

     1 file copied

Hmm _mousecy and _mousecx missing. If I may why were those removed any chance of reinstating ?
I can do that ... maybe tonight or tomorrow. In the meantime, please try the first four keystrokes mentioned at the end of 4CONSOLE64.TXT. They were pretty tricky and they have only been tested here, on one machine.
Thanks for checking. I'm glad to hear that they work.

Re-instating _MOUSECX and _MOUSECY was easier than I thought it would be. Plugin has been updated (FTP).
Thank you for @charat.. It doesn't seem to report column 0 correctly ?
@CHARAT shouldn't have been in there. That was something I never finished. I simplified it. It simply gives the character (see below). Also check out CURSOR. It was an exercise in VT escape sequence; console coordinates are 1-based. Note that with @CHARAT, if the window scrolls you may not get whet you want, and previous results may be invalid. New 4CONSOLE64.ZIP in place.

Thank you for @charat.. It doesn't seem to report column 0 correctly ?
@Kachupp, do you have a use for @CHARAT? If so, please suggest how it (and the recently added @COLORAT, not released yet) should work. As it is now, @CHARAT prints the character and @COLORAT prints the "attribute" as 0xBBFF (back/fore). Note that for console API functions, row and column are 0-based and for VT escape sequences they are 1-based

@Kachupp, do you have a use for @CHARAT? If so, please suggest how it (and the recently added @COLORAT, not released yet) should work. As it is now, @CHARAT prints the character and @COLORAT prints the "attribute" as 0xBBFF (back/fore). Note that for console API functions, row and column are 0-based and for VT escape sequences they are 1-based

View attachment 3455
As it is @charat gets colour in the format of foreground value + ( background value * 16 ) = code that's all good . Have not yet dloaded new copy of 4console.

I'm only interested in the _colour_ attribute(s) the strings/characters not so concerned with. Ideally I'd like either one of your plugin functions too:

_insert the ansi sequence_ ^e[0xresults before @readscr. @filewrite[open_1,@colorat[0,4] %@readscr[0,12]^e[30;40;0m]

Unless your decide to handle all of the example above, that too would
be just as welcomed. @filewrite doesn't need to be included. I have it there to show were its ultimately going.

As for WT and its fancy ansi support, that's another bowl of fettuccine hopefully Rex will one day change his mind on supporting it.

I'm of the old school type who's not a fan of GUI interface while at the prompt level. That's not to say I wont use them; rather preferred TUI interface.
Before reading your last post, I had already added @COLORAT. I'll consider a @READATTR (like @READSCR). Would that help?

With CURSOR, you can write anywhere in the visible window (cursor to r c write ...). CURSOR writes directly to the console screen buffer ("CONOUT$"); it can't be piped or redirected. At the moment, I don't think CURSOR accepts hex numbers (I'll check) and I'm sure VT sequences don't. Hmmm! ... maybe a function to turn an attribute into a VT sequence string, e.g., 0x000A -> ^e[32;40;1m.

These days you can have 24-bit foreground and background colors (^e[38;2;r;g;bm and ^e[48;3;r;g;bm) but when you read back the attributes, you only get an approximation (often not a very good one) using the old 0-15 foreground and 0-15 background.
With CURSOR, you can write anywhere in the visible window (cursor to r c write ...). CURSOR writes directly to the console screen buffer ("CONOUT$"); it can't be piped or redirected. At the moment, I don't think CURSOR accepts hex numbers (I'll check) and I'm sure VT sequences don't. Hmmm! ... maybe a function to turn an attribute into a VT sequence string, e.g., 0x000A -> ^e[32;40;1m.
0x000A -> ^e[32;40'1m perfect
Currently with your @charat I'm doing the conversion before sending it to @filewrite

See this post