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For those wanting to learn TPIPE...

This is in response to Bob Chapman, and his wanting to learn more about TPIPE.

Take a read of http://jpsoft.com/forums/threads/delete-a-line-from-a-file.4961/#post-28369

I would never have thought to use TPIPE to solve my problem, if Rex had not pointed me in the proper direction.

I guess the best way to learn is to present your problem here on the forums, and see what response you get.

For example, I would like to get a list of the URLs in the FireFox sessionstore.js file. I presently do this using a combination of TCC and BASH;

@echo off
cd %appdata
set thefile=%@execstr[dir sessionstore.js /s/b]
iff exist %@quote[%thefile] then
  if exist c:\utils\sessionstore.js del c:\utils\sessionstore.js
  if exist c:\utils\results.txt? del c:\utils\results.txt?
  copy %@quote[%thefile] c:\utils
  cd c:\cygwin\bin
  bash --login "c:\utils\urls.sh"
  cd c:\utils
  dir /[d-0]
  if exist c:\utils\results.txt? call listc.btm results.txt?
  if exist c:\utils\sessionstore.js del c:\utils\sessionstore.js
  if exist c:\utils\results.txt? del c:\utils\results.txt?
  echo The sessionstore.js file does not exist.

sed -e 's/{"url":/\n&/g' /cygdrive/c/utils/sessionstore.js | cut -d\" -f4 > /cygdrive/c/utils/results.txt

Not very elegant, but it does what I want it to do.

If I could figure out how to replace the urls.sh BASH script with TPIPE, that would be great. Not really sure where to start with TPIPE, though, to accomplish this. I find the help for TPIPE to be overwhelming, mainly due to my declining eyesight, and the lack of TPIPE examples.

Joe - Thanks for the response and the reference. As I noted in my reply to Vince <tpipe and MSVCR110.dll TCC x64 Build 44??>, my primary mistake has been an attempt to devour the whole elephant in one bite instead of a piece at a time! ;) That being said, I have to agree with your assessment of the help for tpipe -- and my eyesight is relatively good!
If I could figure out how to replace the urls.sh BASH script with TPIPE, that would be great. Not really sure where to start with TPIPE, though, to accomplish this. I find the help for TPIPE to be overwhelming, mainly due to my declining eyesight, and the lack of TPIPE examples.


I am one step closer. The following TPIPE command replaces {"url": with a newline;

  tpipe /input=sessionstore.js /output=sessionstore.txt /replace=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,%@quote[{"url":],\n

Here's a non-trivial example (excerpted from a BTM file).
type ^
"http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?CityName=Syracuse&state=NY&site=BGM&textField1=43.0446&textField2=-76.1459&e=0" ^
| tpipe /grep=3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,"point-fore.*High|point-fore.*Low" ^
/simple=16 ^
/selection=7,0,2,2,0,5,"&",0 ^
/simple=19 ^
/replace=0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,"Low: ","Low:  "
You should be able to paste that right onto a TCC command line and see:
v:\> type ^
+> "http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?CityName=Syracuse&state=NY&site=BGM&textField1=43.0446&textField2=-76.1459&e=0" ^
+> | tpipe /grep=3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,"point-fore.*High|point-fore.*Low" ^
+> /simple=16 ^
+> /selection=7,0,2,2,0,5,"&",0 ^
+> /simple=19 ^
+> /replace=0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,"Low: ","Low:  "
High: 45
Low:  40
High: 61
Low:  42
High: 65
Low:  42
High: 71
Low:  47
High: 75
I am not familiar with sed, so I don't understand what your script is doing. If the goal is to pick out the lines beginning with {"url": and display them without the URL: preface, why can't you use FFIND and @right[]?
do url in /p ffind /k /m /v /t"{^"url^":" sessionstore.js (echo %@right[-7,%url])
I am not familiar with sed, so I don't understand what your script is doing. If the goal is to pick out the lines beginning with {"url": and display them without the URL: preface, why can't you use FFIND and @right[]?
do url in /p ffind /k /m /v /t"{^"url^":" sessionstore.js (echo %@right[-7,%url])

The sessionstore.js is one continuous long line, with a file size of (for this FireFox session) of 8,466 bytes, which is why I am replacing the {"url": with a newline. Here's a clip of my current sessionstore.js;

[{"url":"http://jpsoft.com/forums/find-new/45243/threads","title":"Recent Threads | Take Command Windows command processor","ID":10,"docshellID":12,"docI
dentifier":10},{"url":"http://jpsoft.com/forums/threads/for-those-wanting-to-learn-tpipe.5008/","title":"For those wanting to learn TPIPE... | Take Command Windows com
mand processor","ID":21,"docshellID":12,"referrer":"http://jpsoft.com/forums/threads/for-those-wanting-to-learn-tpipe.5008/","docIdentifier":21,"scroll":"0,2306"}],"in
dex":2,"hidden":false,"attributes":{"image":"http://jpsoft.com/favicon.ico"},"storage":{"http://jpsoft.com":{"quickReplyText":"<p>[quote=&quot;samintz, post: 28641, me
mber: 8&quot;]I am not familiar with sed, so I don't understand what your script is doing.  If the goal is to pick out the lines beginning with {&quot;url&quot;: and d
isplay them without the URL: preface, why can't you use FFIND and @right[]?</p>\n<p>[code]</p>\n<p>do url in /p ffind /k /m /v /t&quot;{^&quot;url^&quot;:&quot; sessio
nstore.js (echo %@right[-7,%url])</p>\n<p>
[/quote]</p>\n<p><br /></p>"}}}],"selected":3,"_closedTabs":[{"state":{"entries":[{"url":"http://www.curtrenz.com/occu
hread.php?t=52956","title":"Big Bright Full Moon ΓÇô Occultation ΓÇô Eclipse ΓÇô May 24 - PowerBASIC Peer Support Forums","ID":12,"docshellID":14,"referrer":"http://ww
']":{"selectedIndex":29,"value":"17"}}},"scroll":"0,0"}],"index":1,"hidden":false,"attributes":{"image":"http://www.powerbasic.com/favicon.ico"}},"title":"Big Bright F
ull Moon ΓÇô Occultation ΓÇô Eclipse ΓÇô May 24 - PowerBASIC Peer Support Forums","image":"http://www.powerbasic.com/favicon.ico","pos":3},{"state":{"entries":[/CODE]

(Due to the tags in the file, the above did not paste properly into this forum message.)

Using the TPIPE command, that gives me (again, just a clip);

"http://jpsoft.com/forums/find-new/45243/threads","title":"Recent Threads | Take Command Windows command processor","ID":10,"docshellID":12,"docIdentifier":10},
"http://jpsoft.com/forums/threads/for-those-wanting-to-learn-tpipe.5008/","title":"For those wanting to learn TPIPE... | Take Command Windows command processor","ID":2
"http://www.powerbasic.com/support/pbforums/showthread.php?t=52956","title":"Big Bright Full Moon ΓÇô Occultation ΓÇô Eclipse ΓÇô May 24 - PowerBASIC Peer Support Foru
"http://www.powerbasic.com/support/pbforums/search.php?s=a286a9287b4410a7c65920c520b55649&searchid=270247","title":"PowerBASIC Peer Support Forums - Search Results","I

which leaves me only to clip off everything after the URL, so that I have;


cut -d\" -f4 clips off everything after the URL in BASH, so I just have to figure out how to do this with TPIPE.

Another non-trivial TPIPE example.
type http://w1.weather.gov/data/obhistory/KSYR.html ^
| tpipe ^
/grep=3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,"right.*left" ^
/replace=4,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,".*([0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]).*td.(-*[0-9]*)..td..td.*[0-9]*..td.$","$1  $2" ^
It gives the temperatures (at KSYR) for the last 24 hours. It's noticeable faster that the equivalent "type ... | grep ... | sed ... | head ...".
14:54  45
13:54  44
12:54  42
11:54  42
10:54  42
09:54  43
08:54  44
07:54  44
06:54  44
05:54  44
04:54  44
03:54  45
02:54  46
01:54  48
00:54  50
23:54  53
22:54  58
21:54  64
20:54  65
19:54  66
18:54  66
17:54  68
16:54  68
15:54  65
Joe - try this



Hello Dan,
I tried it, and it does what I require it to do. Here is my revised batch file, with the call to the BASH script replaced with TPIPE;

@echo off
cd %appdata
set thefile=%@execstr[dir sessionstore.js /s/b]
iff exist %@quote[%thefile] then
  if exist c:\utils\sessionstore.js del c:\utils\sessionstore.js
  if exist c:\utils\sessionstore.txt del c:\utils\sessionstore.txt
  copy %@quote[%thefile] c:\utils
  cd c:\utils
  tpipe /input=sessionstore.js /output=sessionstore.txt /replace=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,%@quote[{"url":],\n /selection=7,3,2,0,0,0,"",0,0
  if exist c:\utils\sessionstore.txt call listc.btm sessionstore.txt
  if exist c:\utils\sessionstore.txt del c:\utils\sessionstore.txt
  if exist c:\utils\sessionstore.js del c:\utils\sessionstore.js
  echo The sessionstore.js file does not exist.

Many thanks!

Joe, you could just pipe the whole thing into VIEW and then you wouldn't need all those delete statements.
tpipe /input="%@execstr[dir sessionstore.js /s/b]" /replace=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,%@quote[{"url":],\n /selection=7,3,2,0,0,0,"",0,0 | VIEW
Joe, you could just pipe the whole thing into VIEW and then you wouldn't need all those delete statements.
tpipe /input="%@execstr[dir sessionstore.js /s/b]" /replace=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,%@quote[{"url":],\n /selection=7,3,2,0,0,0,"",0,0 | VIEW

Thankyou Scott.

Joe, you could just pipe the whole thing into VIEW and then you wouldn't need all those delete statements.
tpipe /input="%@execstr[dir sessionstore.js /s/b]" /replace=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,%@quote[{"url":],\n /selection=7,3,2,0,0,0,"",0,0 | VIEW

Scott's contraction of the solution to a single line makes it an excellent candidate for an alias rather than a batch file:

alias sites=`tpipe /input="%@execstr[dir sessionstore.js /s/b]" /replace=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,%@quote[{"url":],\n /selection=7,3,2,0,0,0,"",0,0 | VIEW`

You don't have to call it "sites" of course, but you get the idea...
