i assume someone has a simple BTM that does the folowing:
[c:\] CmprTree.btm c:\z_pics\ G:\z_pics\ [/d or /dd]
it would first check the c: and g: drives were not the same physical drive
it would then recursively check every file under C:\z_pics\ and if the same file ( date/time, size, then @compare[].
a - if the optional /D was passed as the %3 param, it would delete g:\z_pics\file.ext.
b - if the optional /dd was passed - would del /a:d /s /e /x /y g:\z_pics\
c - if no 3rd param was passed - it would creat a log of the file matches.
Does anyone have a similar BTM
[c:\] CmprTree.btm c:\z_pics\ G:\z_pics\ [/d or /dd]
it would first check the c: and g: drives were not the same physical drive
it would then recursively check every file under C:\z_pics\ and if the same file ( date/time, size, then @compare[].
a - if the optional /D was passed as the %3 param, it would delete g:\z_pics\file.ext.
b - if the optional /dd was passed - would del /a:d /s /e /x /y g:\z_pics\
c - if no 3rd param was passed - it would creat a log of the file matches.
Does anyone have a similar BTM