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Navigation to the webpage was canceled

I am running 4NT500 (ver 5.00U) under Windows 2008 Server. The help files are in the c:\4nt500 folder along with everything else. The 4STARTPATH is also set to point to c:\4nt500 in 4NT.INI. Yet when I launch the command:


command the help window comes up with a page that says

Navigation to the webpage was canceled

What you can try:

Retype the address.

This does not happen under XP Pro. Any ideas? I sort of remember running into this buffer but do not recall what I did.

I just ran into this on Windows 7. From what I can find it appears to be a problem because I'm running the help from a network share and it's violating security restrictions. I found some KB articles about it but none of their suggestions work for me. They suggested things like clicking "Unblock" on the properties for the .chm file (I don't have that button) or adding registry entries to allow it (didn't work for me).

Regarding the network share, Take Command is running in a VM and I'm sharing the host computer's Take Command files with the VM, which appears as a network share.

Has anyone else fixed this issue?
As a workaround I tried enabling the "Web Help" option in the Take Command Options (advanced tab) but it launches with the incorrect URL.

e.g. if I type
and then pres F1 it attempts to launch the URL

"Y:/shared/tcmd" is the path to the Take Command directory on the network share.
It's been a while, but I seem to recall that that blocking 'feature' was implemented as a stream on the .CHM file. You might try listing the Take Command directory with e.g. DIR /: "%@PATH[%_CMDSPEC]" and looking for a strangely-named stream on the .CHM. If it's there, delete it.
Hmmm, it's on a network share... or a "network share".... You might have to add the network share, or the host machine's name, to Internet Explorer's list of "Trusted sites". It's in the Internet Properties applet in Control Panel, on the Security tab. Sorry, I don't know the format in which the machine name or share name would be specified.
I have tried various formats for adding the share to the Trusted Site or Local Intranet zones, but to no avail.
I have fixed my version of this problem. Perhaps this will help.

Background: I always have a VPN between home (Win 7, client) and work (Win 7, server). The VPN IPs are fixed, so I use entries in the LMHOSTS files so each computer knows the other by name (client knows server as "\\lucky", server knows client as "\\zz"). I do everything (and anything I want) in either direction with UNC paths in Explorer or TCC.

My problem: If I open an Explorer window in a folder on the other end of the VPN and double-click an EXE or a CHM (didn't try others) I had to dismiss an "Open file" security dialog

My solution: ControlPanel\InternetOptions\Security\LocalIntranet\Sites\Advanced ... I said to add "\\lucky" to the zone (later, it showed in the list as "file://lucky"). Problem gone! \\lucky seems to be completely trusted.

While the scenario under discussion here is different, that solution might work. So if you thoroughly trust the server where the share resides, try adding it (the server) to the Local Intranet sites.
I have fixed my version of this problem. Perhaps this will help.

My solution: ControlPanel\InternetOptions\Security\LocalIntranet\Sites\Advanced ... I said to add "\\lucky" to the zone (later, it showed in the list as "file://lucky"). Problem gone! \\lucky seems to be completely trusted.

While the scenario under discussion here is different, that solution might work. So if you thoroughly trust the server where the share resides, try adding it (the server) to the Local Intranet sites.

I had tried specifying the server (it's really just a shared folder on the host computer as seen from a Virtual Machine) in one of the trusted zones but it didn't seem to work.