[email protected]
I thought I would look into batch-file compilation (I have written over 100 batch files since first getting 4NT many years ago), so I compiled all of my batch files in a "For" loop. While I got some messages essentially saying that the .BAT file was "too small" for compilation to be worthwhile, I noticed that all of the original .BAT files also each fit into a single cluster (4K) on the hard-drive, as do (of course) the corresponding ".BTM" files. This being the case, is it really worthwhile to compile .BAT files that fit into a single cluster? While I don't imagine there'll be an improvement in "load" time (a single cluster is the smallest unit of disk-drive I/O), there might be an advantage in terms of batch-file "parse" time. (And I have to ask - how many people write .BAT files that are larger than 4K? I certainly don't, and since the batch file language is now essentially what (used to be) called a "high-level language" I am writing some pretty large (but less than 4K! ; > ) batch files. (I am a C++ programmer by trade, and batch files are certainly much easier to write to do DOS things than are C++ programs!)