Purpose:CAPTURE does video and / or audio screen capture. It supports H264, H265, VP80, VP90, MP3, FLAC, and AAC.


Format:CAPTURE "filename" [/= /Start=n /End=n /FPS=n /HWND=n /Monitor=n /Rect=top,left,bottom,right /Video=[H264 | HEVC | VP80 | VP90] /AudioFormat=[MP3 | AAC | FLAC] /AudioFrom="name" /Threads=n /C /E /P]..


"filename" - The output filename (.mp4 or .asf for video; .mp3, .aac, .flac for audio)


/AudioFormat (Audio encoding format)

/Monitor (Monitor to capture)

/AudioFrom - (Audio source)

/P(ause capture)

/C(apture cursor)

/RECT (Window rectangle to capture)

/E(nd capture)

/Start (Start time)

/End (End time)

/Threads (Video encoding threads)

/FPS (Frames per second

/Video (Video encoding format)

/HWND (Window to capture)




If you do not specify /End, CAPTURE will continue capturing the screen until you call it again with the /E option.


If you do not specify /HWND or /RECT, CAPTURE will capture the desktop.


CAPTURE runs in a separate thread, so it will not block the current TCC / Take Command window.




/=Display the SHORTCUT command dialog to help you set the command line options. The /= option can be anywhere on the line; additional options will set the appropriate fields in the command dialog.


/CCapture the cursor activity. The default is to not save cursor movements.


/EEnd the capture. If you do not specify /End, CAPTURE will continue capturing video and/or audio until you do a CAPTURE /E.


/PPause the capture.


/StartThe start time in seconds (default 0).


/EndThe end time in seconds. If you do not specify /End, you will need to run CAPTURE /E to stop the capture.


/FPSFrames per second for video capture (default 25)


/HWNDThe window handle to capture


/MonitorThe monitor to capture (1 - n)


/RectThe window rectangle to capture


/ThreadsThe number of threads for the video encoding (default 1, maximum 16)


/VideoVideo encoding format (H264, HEVC, VP80, or VP90)


/AudioFormatAudio encoding format (MP3, AAC, FLAC)


/AudioFromThe friendly name of the audio source. You can use wildcards in the name; for example: /AudioFrom="HD Audio*"