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Purpose:Configures the environment on a per-directory basis


Format:DIRENV [on | OFF]




When DIRENV is enabled, TCC will look for a file called ".envtc" when it changes directories. The format of .envtc is:






When you change directories, TCC will start at the root of the new directory and scan to the subdirectory looking for .envtc files for environment variables to set while in that directory. So if you have .envtc files in one or more of the parent directories, they will be processed as well as any .envtc in the new directory. (The priority is top-down, so you can specify variables to be removed that were defined in a parent directory.) When TCC leaves a directory, it will unset the variables in .envtc.


You can force DIRENV to always enabled with the DirEnv .INI directive.


DIRENV is directory-specific; the optional CD_ENTER and CD_LEAVE aliases are system-wide.