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Purpose:Display or modify the TCC executable file mapping


Format:MAPEXE [/A /D /F /Pn] command [pathname]









TCC saves a map in memory of executables that it finds in the PATH, to speed up finding them on subsequent calls. The map contains the .exe filename and the full path+name retrieved from the PATH search. The map is specific to each shell, and is not saved / restored when a shell exits and restarts.


The MAPEXE command provides access to the mapped executables if you need to display / add / modify / delete entries. This command is not necessary for normal use; it is intended for advanced users and administrators.


The MAPEXE options are mutually exclusive; you can only specify one of them on the MAPEXE command line (except for /F and /P).


If you don't specify any arguments (except /P), MAPEXE will display all of the mapped executables. That display (and also the /F option) will show the number of times the executable has been retrieved from the map,




/AAdd the command and its full path+name to the map. The command must have an .EXE extension.


/DDelete the command from the map. You can use wildcards in command.


/FFind and display the full path+name saved in the map for the specified command. You can use wildcards in command.


/PPause after displaying a page. The /P option has an optional argument n that specifies the number of seconds to wait for a keystroke before continuing.