Purpose:Run WMI methods on a local or remote machine.


Format:WMIRUN [/=] /USER=user /PASSWORD=password /CLASS=classname /METHOD=methodname networkresource command











You must be running in an elevated session.




This command terminates process 26568 on the local machine:


WMIRUN /method=Terminate /class=Win32_Process "\\.\root\CIMV2" Win32_Process.Handle="26568"




/=Display the WMI command dialog to help you set the command line options. The /= option can be anywhere on the line; additional options will set the appropriate fields in the command dialog.


/USERThe user name to use for remote queries


/PASSWORDThe password to use for remote queries


/CLASSThe WMI class name


/METHODThe WMI method name


networkresourceWMI namespace. The namespace argument for remote servers will look something like "\\remote-server\root\cimv2" (substitute your server name for "remote-server").


command The command you want WMI to run.