Author: Vincent Fatica
PlugIn for: 4NT
Primary download URL: ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/4autotray.zip
Alternate download URL: http://www.jpsoft.com/plugins/4autotray.zip
4Autotray : Minimizes 4NT automatically to the task bar's notification area; does not work with TCMD. (Also provides the AUTOTRAY command).
Author: Vincent Fatica
PlugIn for: 4NT
Primary download URL: ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/4autotray.zip
Alternate download URL: http://www.jpsoft.com/plugins/4autotray.zip
4Autotray : Minimizes 4NT automatically to the task bar's notification area; does not work with TCMD. (Also provides the AUTOTRAY command).