vefatica wrote:
| On Wed, 16 Jul 2008 10:38:37 -0500, Eric Pement <> wrote:
| ---Quote---
|| However, is there another way to get ANSI or color support for
|| external utilities *other* than using TYPE? Or is piping the output
|| through TYPE pretty much the only way?
| ---End Quote---
| TCC can only color what TCC outputs. I doubt even the possibility of
| console-wide SNAI color support; that would have to be done by
| csrss.exe.
| It would seem, however, that TCMD could add ANSI color support for
| anything running in a tab. Since TCMD has to reproduce what it finds
| in the console screen buffer, it could scan for ANSI sequences and
| colorize what appears in its window appropriately. How well that
| might work, and whether the demand would be worth the effort are
| still other questions.
The possibility of copying the X3.64 interpreter code into TCMD, and even of
emulating of a VT-440 is real (only a small subset of that code is now in
TCC). I used the original TCMD16 instead of 4NT because it was the only
available X3.64 on WinNT. The *nix terminal managers do include X3.64
interpreters. The real issue for Rex is its commercial value - if any. If it
does not sell even one more copy of TCMD, why do it?