If V does not display the EBCDIC file correctly, you can click on EBC on the status bar (or select EBCDIC Options from the View menu) to specify the correct file format.


EBCDIC files are usually in one of 4 formats.


Carriage Return Delimited

These files are just like ASCII files. That is, each line is terminated by a carriage return (or carriage return + line feed). The only difference is that the file contains EBCDIC characters instead of ASCII characters.


To display these types of files the No Formatting (Display as EBCDIC file with CR/LF) option should be enabled.


If some EBCDIC characters are not displayed correctly, you can modify the EBCDIC to ASCII mapping in the EBCDIC tab of Preferences.



Fixed Length Records (RECFM=F)

Each line (or record) in the file consists of a fixed number of characters. To view these files, enable the RECFM=F option and enter the fixed record length in the LRECL field.


Click here for further details on viewing RECFM=F files.


Variable Length Records (RECFM=V/VB)

These files consist of variable length lines (or records). Each record is preceded by a 4 byte record descriptor which specifies the record length. V will automatically decode the records and display the lines as if they were delimited by a carriage return.


Undefined Format (RECFM=U)

By strict definition, the format of these files is Undefined (or Unknown). However in V, the meaning is slightly different. Click here for further details.


Carriage Control (CCTYPE)

Click here for details on Carriage Control.


Use ASCII Character Set

By default, EBCDIC RECFM files consist of EBCDIC characters. Enable this option if the file consists of ASCII characters.


Trailing Spaces

It is common for records/lines in EBCDIC files to be padded with trailing spaces - especially when files with variable length records are stored as RECFM=F.


Enable the Ignore Trailing Spaces option if you do not want the trailing spaces displayed.