When in Hex Mode, the file may be viewed in one of several hex formats which are selected from the View menu  (under Hex Formats) or from the right-click menu (Layout->Hex Formats).


The available formats are:



This is the default format. Each character in the file is displayed as an individual hex code (from 00 to FF).



As above, but each byte is displayed in DECIMAL (from 0 to 255).



As above, but each byte is displayed in OCTAL (from 0 to 377).



The data in the file is displayed as 16-bit words (always in hex)



The data is displayed as 32-bit double words (in hex)


Double DWord

The data is displayed as 64-bit quad-words (in hex)


Flip Ends

This only applies when in Word, DWord or Double DWord mode. The "ends" of each "word" are "flipped". This makes it easier to view data that is stored in little-endian format.


By default, each line displays 16 bytes of data, although the line length can be changed.





The file offsets are always displayed in Hex.