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These directives allow you to change the keys used for TCC command line editing and other internal functions. You can redefine the keys using the TCC OPTION / Keyboard dialog. You can bind multiple key combinations to a directive (for example, the default Paste directive accepts either Ctrl-V or Shift-Ins).


They are divided into seven types, depending on the context in which the keys are used. For a discussion and list of directives for each type see:





Popup Windows


Tab Completion



Use some care when you reassign keystrokes. If you assign a default key to a different function, it will no longer be available for its original use. For example, if you assign F1 to the AddFile directive (a part of filename completion), the F1 key will no longer invoke the help system, so you will probably want to assign a different key to Help.


See Keys and Key Names before using the key mapping directives.


Key assignments are processed after looking for keystroke aliases. For example, if you assign Shift-F1 to HELP and also assign Shift-F1 to a key alias, the key alias will be run and Help won't work.


Note: if you assign the same key to two different functions, the first assignment found will be used.