These directives are effective only in the TCC LIST command. You can redefine the keys using the TCC OPTION / Keyboard dialog. The key directives are saved in the [Keys] section in TCMD.INI.
Directive |
Default |
Description |
ListBack |
B |
Return to the previous file. |
ListClipboard |
Ctrl-B |
Copy the current filename to the clipboard. |
ListContinue |
C |
Continue with the next file. |
ListDelete |
Del |
Delete the current file. |
ListDown |
Down |
Scroll down one row. |
ListEdit |
E |
Edit the file with the editor associated with that filetype. If there is no association, LIST will use the editor defined in the Editor configuration option. If no editor is defined, LIST will use Notepad. If LIST is displaying a pipe, the contents are saved to the clipboard and the editor is started. (You will need to manually paste the clipboard contents.) |
ListEnd |
End |
Go to the end of the file. |
ListExit |
Esc |
Exit the current file. |
ListFind |
F |
Prompt and search for a string or a sequence of hexadecimal values. |
ListFindPrevious |
Ctrl-N |
Find previous matching string in the file. |
ListFindRegex |
R |
Prompt and search for a regular expression. |
ListFindRegexReverse |
Ctrl-R |
Search backwards for a regular expression. |
ListFindReverse |
Ctrl-F |
Prompt and search for a string, searching backward from the end of the file. |
ListGoto |
G |
Display a dialog to jump to a specific line. |
ListHelp |
F1 |
Display help for LIST. |
ListHex |
X |
Toggle the hex mode (/X) option. |
ListHexSpace |
S |
Toggle display of nonprintable characters (space or .) when in hex mode. |
ListHighBit |
H |
Toggle the "strip high bit" (/H) option. |
ListHome |
Home |
Go to the beginning of the file. |
ListInfo |
I |
Displays information about the current file. |
ListLeft |
Left |
Scroll left one column. |
ListNext |
N |
Find next matching string. |
ListNumber |
L |
Number the lines. |
ListOpen |
O |
Display the "Open File" dialog. |
ListPageLeft |
Ctrl-Left |
Scroll left 40 columns. |
ListPageRight |
Ctrl-Right |
Scroll right 40 columns. |
ListPgUp |
PgUp |
Scroll up one page. |
ListPgDn |
PgDn |
Scroll down one page. |
ListPrevious |
Ctrl-B |
Find the previous matching string |
ListPrint |
P |
Print all or part of the file (displays the Windows "Print" dialog). |
ListRefresh |
F5 |
Refresh the display. |
ListRight |
Right |
Scroll right one column. |
ListSave |
Ins |
Save to a file. |
ListTabSize |
Tab |
Display a dialog to set the tab size. |
ListUnicode |
U |
Toggle the Unicode display mode. |
ListUp |
Up |
Scroll up one row. |
ListWrap |
W |
Toggle the "line wrap" (/W) option. |