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Purpose:Copy standard input to both standard output and a file


Format:TEE [/= /A /Dn .E"regex" /F"format" /R /T /Unicode=[UTF16-LE | UTF-8 | ASCII]] file...


fileOne or more files that will receive the "tee-d" output.


/F"..." (format)


See also: Y, piping and redirection.




TEE is normally used to "split" the output of a program so that you can see it on the display and also save it in a file. It can also be used to capture intermediate output before the data is altered by another program or command.


TEE gets its input from standard input (usually the piped output of another command or program), and sends out two copies: one to standard output, the other to the file(s) that you specify. TEE is not likely to be useful with programs which do not use standard output, because these programs cannot send output through a pipe.


If you are typing at the keyboard to produce the input for TEE, you must enter a Ctrl-Z to terminate the input.


TEE supports the TCC CLIPn: and TMPn: pseudodevices.


If you don't enter any arguments, TEE will display its command dialog.


See Piping for more information on pipes.




Search the file DOC for any lines containing the string Take Command, make a copy of the matching lines in TC.DAT, sort the lines, and write them to the output file TCS.DAT:


ffind /t"Take Command" doc | tee tc.dat | sort > tcs.dat




/=Display the TEE command dialog to help you set the command line options. The /= option can be anywhere on the line; additional options will set the appropriate fields in the command dialog.


/AAppend to the file(s) rather than overwriting them.


/DPrefix each line with the current date (in yyyy-mm-dd format).


/E"regex"Only display lines that match the regular expression.


/F"..."The format string. See @DATEFMT for details on format arguments.


/RRedirect to STDERR instead of STDOUT.


/TPrefix each line with the current time (in format).


/UnicodeSpecify the input encoding (UTF-16LE, UTF-8, or ASCII). The default is the current TCC output encoding.