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4Console's Scoll command n/w in v8 but w in v14

I use:

  alias post_exec scroll H Home

This works great in v14 but I can not school back for previous commands in v8. I have additional processing to get around it but still it would be great if it would work as is.
I use:

  alias post_exec scroll H Home

This works great in v14 but I can not school back for previous commands in v8. I have additional processing to get around it but still it would be great if it would work as is.
Charles, I don't quite know what you mean "can not scroll back ... in v8".

And I thought v8 was before the modern plugin era ... i.e., that today's plugins won't even load in v8.
The 4console.dll described below in hard linked to the PLUGINS directories of V7, V8, ..., V14 on my system.
2012-03-26 20:34:04 78,848 15FBFE24 F:\JPSOFT\pl14\4console.dll
Works like a charm in all, but I did not try the feature the OP refers to.
I do now CONSIZE works in 4nt8 - just verified. V7 is no longer on a hotkey.
The 4console.dll described below in hard linked to the PLUGINS directories of V7, V8, ..., V14 on my system.
2012-03-26 20:34:04 78,848 15FBFE24 F:\JPSOFT\pl14\4console.dll
Works like a charm in all, but I did not try the feature the OP refers to.
I do now CONSIZE works in 4nt8 - just verified. V7 is no longer on a hotkey.
That's good to know. I don't remember exactly when the plugin paradigm changed.
I use the one from Apr-28-2012 12:39am 77kb. Where exactrly is the one above from? Or could Vince send me the one listed abve please?
I use the one from Apr-28-2012 12:39am 77kb. Where exactrly is the one above from? Or could Vince send me the one listed abve please?
I don't keep old ones. But the one Steve mentioned/has is the last one I put on lucky (26 Mar 2012) and it's still there. Charles, I think you're looking at the time you installed it (because you downloaded it moments before). That means you have the same one as Steve.

[03] Sat 28Apr12 00:37:43 - (000201) IP-Name: cpe-174-109-091-232.nc.res.rr.com (
[02] Sat 28Apr12 00:37:43 - (000201) ANONYMOUS logged in, password: IEUser@
[10] Sat 28Apr12 00:37:44 - (000201) Sending file "E:\anonymous\4plugins\4console.zip"

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