C Charles G Apr 1,822 17 2017-07-25 #1 Navigation: Take Command > Configuration Options > Advanced Directives > XMLSettings Just has "Enter topic text here."
Navigation: Take Command > Configuration Options > Advanced Directives > XMLSettings Just has "Enter topic text here."
C Charles G Apr 1,822 17 2017-07-25 #2 Also: BZIP2 Purpose: Create bzip2 (*.bz2) compressed archives Format: BZIP2 [/= /A:[[-][+]rhsdaecjot] /A /M /Q /V] bzip2archive [@file] file bziparchive The .bz2 file to work with file The file to extract (this should be about adding a file to the BZ2 archive - not extracting one.) Last edited by a moderator: 2017-09-05
Also: BZIP2 Purpose: Create bzip2 (*.bz2) compressed archives Format: BZIP2 [/= /A:[[-][+]rhsdaecjot] /A /M /Q /V] bzip2archive [@file] file bziparchive The .bz2 file to work with file The file to extract (this should be about adding a file to the BZ2 archive - not extracting one.)