TCC 31.00.11 x64 Windows 10 [Version 10.0.19045.3758]
TCC Build 11 Windows 10 Build 19045
Registered to DESKTOP-C293QAU
I am still having to press N - even though the coide looks fine to me.
TCC Build 11 Windows 10 Build 19045
Registered to DESKTOP-C293QAU
for /l %n in (33,1,9999) ( for /r %fn in (*) if not isfile "\ZZ_Done\%@upper[%@ext[%fn]]_%@format[04,%n]\%fn" move /md /r "%fn" "\ZZ_Done\%@upper[%@ext[%fn]]_%@format[04,%n]\" & del /a:d /s /e /x /y * )
I am still having to press N - even though the coide looks fine to me.