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How to? Abort on error DO loop


Scott Mintz
If I have a command line DO that is operating on a list is it possible to abort the DO if the command errors?
do f in /l a b c (somecommand %f)

If somecommand errors while working on a or b, I'd like the DO to stop and not even try c.
Does 'somecommand' return a nonzero exit code when it fails?
That doesn't seem to matter (see below). I thought maybe you could do it manually by looking at _DO_ERRORS, but no. What kind of errors does _DO_ERRORS count?

v:\> do z in /L xx yy ( dir %z & echo %_? %_do_errors)

 Volume in drive V is DATA         Serial number is 6e8a:6d1f
TCC: (Sys) The system cannot find the file specified.
                   0 bytes in 0 files and 0 dirs
     492,625,555,456 bytes free
2 0

 Volume in drive V is DATA         Serial number is 6e8a:6d1f
TCC: (Sys) The system cannot find the file specified.
                   0 bytes in 0 files and 0 dirs
     492,625,555,456 bytes free
2 0

You can force it:

v:\> do z in /L xx yy ( dir %z & if %_? != 0 leave )

 Volume in drive V is DATA         Serial number is 6e8a:6d1f
TCC: (Sys) The system cannot find the file specified.
                   0 bytes in 0 files and 0 dirs
     492,625,555,456 bytes free

v:\> do z in /L xx yy ( grep foo %z & if %? != 0 leave )
grep: xx: No such file or directory

Or, a bit shorter, do z in /L xx yy ( dir %z || leave )
Yeah! I like that.

I can't get _DO_ERRORS to be other than 0. Anyone else?

Charles, what's "icode" (something new)? It looks nice in your post and not so nice when I quote you.
OK, found it (icode). It looks OK after I post. Quoting your icode didn't look good in the editor.
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