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None - disable wrapping (default)

Word - wrap lines on words

Character - wrap lines on any character

Whitespace - wrap lines on whitespace (space or tab)


Mark max colum


Invokes a dialog box asking for a column #. Then draws a vertical line following that column in the edit window. This can be useful to identify overly-long lines.


Toggle current fold


Toggles folding the current line on & off.


Toggle all folds


Toggles every fold in the file.




Show or hide the IDE toolbar.


Status Bar


Show or hide the status bar.




The Toolbox window lists all of the internal commands, variables, and variable functions organized by category. Double-clicking on a command will display its command dialog (if it has one), and then insert the resulting command on the current line in the editor. Selecting a command or variable and then pressing F1 will display the help for that command/variable.


Command Expansion


The "Command Expansion" window will pop up above the tab window when you start debugging. The Command Expansion window shows the original command line, the command line after alias expansion, and the command line after variable expansion. This is a docking window, so it can be moved & attached at other locations. If you don't want to see the Command Expansion window, you can turn it off from the IDE "View / Command Expansion" menu option.




The Watch window allows you to monitor variables.


When using TCC syntax, the Watch tab defaults to showing two variables:


 %_? - The last TCC result value

 %? - The last ERRORLEVEL value


Open will load the batch file and any associated breakpoint file (filename.ext.bp) and the watched variables file (


Save will save the batch file and any associated breakpoint file (filename.ext.bp) and the watched variables file (


If you right click in the first column of the Watch window, the debugger will pop up an environment variable listbox. If you select an entry, it will be added to the watch list.


The watch window now also supports internal variables, variable functions, and user-defined functions.




The Modified tab window shows all variables that are created or modified while executing the batch file. (This is like the "Auto" window in Visual Studio.)




The Breakpoints tab window shows the breakpoints for the active tab window. (Line number, Count, and optional condition.)




Show the Windows environment the IDE is using when it runs batch files. You can add, modify, or delete variables.


Batch Parameters


Display the batch file arguments (%0 - %n). You can modify the batch arguments while debugging the batch file. To specify batch arguments when the batch file starts, you can enter them in the Batch Arguments combobox on the toolbar.


Call Stack


Display the current call stack (the filename, line #, command line, and the line(s) that called it (i.e., GOSUB or CALL). Double-clicking on a line in the Call Stack window will take you to that line in the tab window. (Note that the call stack is only expanded when you "Step Into" the next command.)


Local Aliases

Global Aliases


(TCC syntax only) Show the user-defined functions. You can add, modify, or delete aliases in the edit window. TCC will only show these tabs if you have local and/or global aliases. If you are using CMD Syntax, these windows are hidden.


Local Functions

Global Functions


(TCC syntax only) Show the user-defined functions. You can add, modify, or delete functions in the edit window. TCC will only show these tabs if you have local and/or global functions. If you are using CMD Syntax, these windows are hidden.


Command Prompt


Start a new command prompt window.