The Take Command window has a Status Bar that displays tooltips when you move the cursor over menu entries.




The status bar also displays the following information:


Onestep The current cursor position (row and column)


Onestep The tab window size (columns x rows)


Onestep The tab buffer size (rows)


Onestep The memory load (0 - 100%)


Onestep The CPU usage (0 - 100%)


Onestep The state of the Caps Lock key


Onestep The state of the Num Lock key


Onestep The state of the Scroll Lock key


Onestep The current date


Onestep The current time


You can hide the status bar fields by right clicking on the status bar and unchecking the fields you don't want to see.


There is a slider in the right corner that allows you to dynamically change the transparency level of the Take Command window. (You can also change the transparency with Ctrl-Shift-Mousewheel, or set it in the Options / Configure Take Command / Windows dialog.) The tooltip for the slider will display the current transparency setting (20 - 255); higher values are more opaque.


If you are running TCC in a tab window and you enter an internal command, the status bar will display the brief syntax for that command. If you move the mouse over the status bar, a tooltip will pop up with the full syntax. If you enter an alias name, the status bar will identify it as an alias and display its value.