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Purpose:Display a list of active processes


Format:TASKLIST [/= /C /D /H /I /L /M /N[f] /O /P[n] /R /T /U /U"owner" /X /Z] [name]


nameProcess name or window title


/O(rder by PID)


See also: TASKEND.




Windows programs run as one or more processes or tasks. You can use the TASKLIST command to display a list of currently-running tasks. TASKLIST displays the process ID number for each running task, the name of the executable program that started the task, and, when available, the window title. You can also optionally display the process priority, the modules (dll's) loaded by that process, the startup command line, the memory usage, the class name of the main window of the process, and the cpu usage.


TASKLIST displays a footer with the total number of processes, and optionally the total number of threads (if you specified /H).


If name begins with a =, it is assumed to be a process ID instead of a process name or window title. The Process ID can either be decimal or hex (with a leading 0x).


TASKLIST will display a * after the process ID of the current process.


You can limit the output of TASKLIST by specifying the task name that you wish to see. The name can contain wildcards and extended wildcards, or (if preceded by ::) a regular expression.




/=Display the TASKLIST command dialog to help you set the command line options. The /= option can be anywhere on the line; additional options will set the appropriate fields in the command dialog.


/CDisplay the current priority class for each process. The priority values are (in hex):


8000Above normal
4000Below normal


/DDisplay the loaded modules for each process. The /D option will show a » before 32-bit module names (EXE's and DLL's).


/HDisplay the threads for each process (thread ID and priority). If /X is also specified, the TID and priority will be displayed in hexadecimal format.


/IDisplay the integrity (low, medium, high, system) for the code integrity and the resource integrity.


/LDisplay the startup command line for each process.


/MDisplay the memory usage for each process.


/NDisplay the class name for the main window of each process.


/NfDon't display the TASKLIST footer.


/OSort the output by Process ID (PID).


/P[n]Wait for a key to be pressed after each screen page before continuing the display. The /P option has an optional argument n that specifies the number of seconds to wait for a keystroke before continuing.


/RDisplay the process tree (the specified process and all of its child processes).


/TDisplay the system and user cpu usage for each process.


/UDisplay the user name for each process (system processes return an empty string).


/U"owner"Display only the processes for the specified user.


/XDisplay the PIDs in hex.


/ZDisplay the parent PIDs in the second column.