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User Command Options

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To define a User Command you must specify the following information and options:


Command Path

The full path name of the command to be executed. Press the "..." button to browse.

%A can also be entered as the command path. In this case, it will be replaced by whatever program is associated with the selected file when the User Command is invoked.


Numeric drive letters can be used in the file path, which will be expanded depending on the environment in which V is being run. Click here for further details. Pressing the small question mark button will display a list of valid drive letters.


Shortcut Key

You can assign a keyboard shortcut to this User Command so that is it executed every time the keyboard shortcut is entered. Simply click in the Shortcut Key box and enter the desired key combination. Press the ESCape key to clear the shortcut key. A beep will sound if the shortcut key is currently assigned.


Command Options

The options that will be passed to the command (if any). This will usually look something like /option1 /option2. The options may also contain option specifiers which are expanded when the user command is run.


Options after file name

Will place the command options after the file name. See the explanation of the Command Format below.


Start in Command Path

By default, the working directory of the User Command will be the directly currently being viewed or the directory of the current file. By enabling this option, the working directory will be set to the directory that contains the User Command.


Run As Admin

Enable this (on Vista and Windows 7) to run the command as an Administrator.



This describes the state of the User Command window when it is executed. It may be either Normal, Minimized, or Maximized.


Do not pass File names

By default, any selected files (or directories) will be passed to the command. Enabling this option will cause nothing to be passed to the command (apart from the Command Options).


Prompt for extra options

By enabling this, the user will be prompted for extra options that will be passed to the command. These options will be appended to any options in Command Options.


Use MSDOS names

If any files are selected, the MSDOS (8.3) form of the file name will be passed to the command.


Do not allow multiple files

Enabling this option will ensure that the command is not executed when more than one file is selected.


Execute command for each file

If multiple files are selected, all the file names will be passed to the User Command, and the command will be executed once. By enabling this option, the User Command will be executed for each selected file.


Wait for command to finish

When executing a User Command, V simply launches it and then gets back to business - it does not wait for the command to terminate. In the above case, executing a User Command for each selected file can result in multiple instances of the same program being active at the same time. By enabling this option, V will only execute the User Command on a file once the command on the previous file has finished.


Debug Mode

If this option is enabled, the User Command will be displayed, and the user asked to confirm if it is to be executed. This allows the user to experiment with option specifiers without actually having to execute any commands.



Default User Command


The default user command may be executed by pressing Ctrl-U. The default user command is considered to be the first command in the User Command list.


Command Format


By default, the actual command that V will execute will look as follows:


         [Command Path ] [Options] [Extra Options] file(s)


If "Options after file name" is enabled the command will look as follows:


         [Command Path ] file(s) [Options] [Extra Options]


In the case where more than one file name is selected, all the file names are included on the command line, separated by spaces.





Unregistered versions will only be able to execute the first defined User Command.

If a option specifier is used in the Command Options, any selected file names are not automatically added to the command line. If the user wants the file name(s) passed to the command, the appropriate file name specifier (%f or %F) needs to be used.