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Purpose:Create a ZIP-compatible self-extracting archive


Format:ZIPSFX [/= /A /B"banner" /C"caption" /D"path" /F"file" /I /Ln /M"message" /N /P"xxx" /R /S"password" /X64] exearchive directory...


exearchiveThe self-extracting executable
directoryThe directory to be compressed into the self-extracting executable


/Ln (compression level)


File Selection:


Supports command dialog, extended wildcards and ranges,


File Completion Syntax:


The default filename completion syntax is: [1] dirs exe [2*] dirs




You can specify a pathname for exearchive. If you don't provide an extension, and the filename as entered doesn't exist, ZIPSFX adds ".exe".


ZIPSFX sets two internal variables:


%_zipsfx_filesThe number of files archived
%_zipsfx_errorsThe number of errors




/=Display the ZIPSFX command dialog to help you set the command line options. The /= option can be anywhere on the line; additional options will set the appropriate fields in the command dialog.


/ARequire admin privileges to execute the created file.


/BBanner text to display before beginning the self-extraction.


/CCaption for the self-extractor dialogs.


/DTarget directory for the self-extractor.


/FOptional name of the file to execute (open) after the archive is extracted. This must be a relative path to a file in directory. If this is set to ".", the folder in which the archive has been decompressed will open in Windows Explorer. If it is set to "" (an empty string), the extractor will close and take no action.


/IInstall to the specified directory, run the file (see /F), and then remove the extracted files.


/LnSet the compression level (0 - 6, where 0=no compression, and 6=maximum compression). The default is 4.


/MMessage to notify the user that the extraction has completed normally.


/NSilent installation - hide the extraction progress bar and the "success" window when the archive executable is run.


/POptional parameters to pass to the file to be executed. Only valid with /F.


/RIf the argument is a subdirectory, copy all of the files in that subdirectory and all of its subdirectories to the zip file.


/SUse the specified password to extract the file(s). If you don't provide a password on the command line, ZIPSFX will prompt you to enter one.


/X64Create a 64-bit executable.