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WAD 16.0027 Alias /rz bug

Not a bug. /Z will load the alias file EXACTLY as it exists. No blank lines allowed, no comments, etc. If you want to prettify your alias list, do not use /Z.

If /Z had to do all of that preprocessing, then it'll end up the same as a /R, and all the speed gains will be gone.
It may be working as designed but the fact that it will process an alias list differently, I don't think it worth the speed increase. Has anybody complained about the time it takes to load an alias list?
Yes -- there are some users with 400K+ alias lists, which takes about 10 seconds to load in v15.

If you have a small list you won't notice the difference between /R and /R /Z.
But the 10s should not matter if using global lists - on logging in I automatically run a temporary instance of TCC, which starts SHRALIAS.EXE, loads all the .SAV files, and exits. Runs much faster than the starting up of my browser and mail client. For instances that require a local list you probably have no use for all 400kB of aliases, etc.
... and I thought that 1564 aliases using 71291 characters is awfully many!

I was under the impression that "The global alias list and global function list sizes may be increased with the AliasSize and FunctionSize .INI directives." (From V16: Help -> Reference -> Limits), which implies that though there is a default limit, but there is no absolute limit.
... and I thought that 1564 aliases using 71291 characters is awfully many!

I was under the impression that "The global alias list and global function list sizes may be increased with the AliasSize and FunctionSize .INI directives." (From V16: Help -> Reference -> Limits), which implies that though there is a default limit, but there is no absolute limit.

The global lists can only be sized once; they cannot grow if subsequent shells decide they need more memory. The local lists will grow as necessary.