- Aug
- 258
- 4
for many years we used "AUTOEXNT" to run a batch script with admin privs on our company pcs at bootime.
We used the script for many maintenance tasks, e.g.
Since Windows X64 "AUTOEXNT" is not working anymore.
Of course you can do many things with Group Policies,
but if find it bulky and not the right way to do some "little" maintenance tasks,
which are often individual to department/plant/location.
So I wanted back my good old "AUTOEXNT"!
And this is the way I realized it:
From a central admin pc I install SRVANY on the remote pcs and configure it to start TCC (in my case LE) as a service.
The service is set to "start= auto", starts at boottime and then terminates.
An admin can restart it anytime with "sc \\companypc12345 start ITService".
If all works fine, the service is installed and at the end you can launch a logfile-viewer, start the service and watch the resulting logfiles.
I'm not sure that all is consistent, because I ported it from my "real world" to this abstract version.
If there are mistakes, problems or questions: please let me know.
for many years we used "AUTOEXNT" to run a batch script with admin privs on our company pcs at bootime.
We used the script for many maintenance tasks, e.g.
- gathering informations from every pc
- distributing new files or sw-packages
- checking important settings and installations
- modifying computer settings, e.g. IP-address in case of changes in network infrastructure
Since Windows X64 "AUTOEXNT" is not working anymore.
Of course you can do many things with Group Policies,
but if find it bulky and not the right way to do some "little" maintenance tasks,
which are often individual to department/plant/location.
So I wanted back my good old "AUTOEXNT"!
And this is the way I realized it:
From a central admin pc I install SRVANY on the remote pcs and configure it to start TCC (in my case LE) as a service.
The service is set to "start= auto", starts at boottime and then terminates.
An admin can restart it anytime with "sc \\companypc12345 start ITService".
- you need a domain admin-account which is directly or indirectly member of the administrators group of the remote pcs
( e.g. member of "domain admins" or another group which is member of the administrators group of the remote pcs ) - I recommend a central server share (or DFS link to a central server share) to store the logfiles
or respectively other output-files - In my example I use the following tools to do the job:
sc.exe (windows internal)
findstr.exe (windows internal)
reg.exe (windows internal)
uptime.exe (from an old windows resource kit)
srvany.exe (from an old windows resource kit)
psexec.exe (www.sysinternals.com)
ServiceLogonRight.exe (http://www.dateiliste.com/en/free-s...ty-to-allow-a-user-to-logon-as-a-service.html)
baretail (can "tail" more than 1 file at a time, see http://www.baremetalsoft.com/baretail/)
- prepare a server share (in a pinch it can also be a diretory on your local computer) with the following files/subdirs:
- prepare a btm which is executed everytime the service is started, e.g. "start.btm":
echo ***** start: %_date, %_time: "%comspec" / %_cmdproc / %_cwd
path %_cwd;%path
rem call the central maintenance script
call \\serverxx\!admin\ITService\bin\maintenance.btm >& itservice.log
rem recommended: copy logfile to central share
copy itservice.log \\serverxx\!admin\ITService\logs\%computername
rem stop the service, because its not needed anymore until next boot
echo ***** end : %_date, %_time (stopping the service)
sc stop itservice
- prepare a central maintenance script, e.g. \\serverxx\!admin\ITService\bin\maintenance.btm :
< put in here your maintenance tasks >
- start a tcc window with sufficient rights to administer the remote pcs, e.g. "domain admin"
- cdd to the install directory and run the install script: "remote-install.btm companypc12345"
- Here is my "remote-install.btm":
@echo off
rem used external tools (put them into your path):
rem sc.exe windows internal
rem findstr.exe windows internal
rem reg.exe windows internal
rem uptime.exe from an old windows resource kit
rem srvany.exe from an old windows resource kit
rem psexec.exe www.sysinternals.com
rem ServiceLogonRight.exe http://www.dateiliste.com/en/free-software/15-command-line-utilities/412-servicelogonright-utility-to-allow-a-user-to-logon-as-a-service.html
rem optional:
rem baretal: can view more than 1 file at a time, see http://www.baremetalsoft.com/baretail/
on break cancel
path \\osram.de\net-ber\!admin\bin;%path
gosub checkpars
echo %verbose
set account=company_de\sys_netservice.ber
set password=********
set service=ITService
echo *************************************************************************************
echo you can interrupt with ctrl-c at any time!
echo *************************************************************************************
iff not defined pc then
input /e please provide hostname : %%pc
if not defined pc (
echo no hostname ... quitting
goto end
set pc=\\%@replace[\,,%pc]
echo *************************************************************************************
echo checking if %pc is available
echo *************************************************************************************
uptime %pc && goto next
echo %pc n/a ... quitting
goto end
echo *************************************************************************************
echo %pc is available
echo *************************************************************************************
rem check if service is already installed
set isinstalled=false
sc %pc qc %service |& findstr /i success
if %? ne 0 goto getpf
set isinstalled=true
echo *************************************************************************************
echo service %service is already installed on %pc
echo *************************************************************************************
input /k"yn" proceed anyway? %%response
if %response eq n (
echo quitting
goto end
echo *************************************************************************************
echo get programfilesdir on remote machine ( for non-standard installations )
echo *************************************************************************************
set pfdir=%@trim[%@execstr[0,reg query %pc\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion /v "ProgramFilesDir (x86)" | findstr /i reg_sz]]
if not defined pfdir (
echo *************************************************************************************
echo variable could not be retrieved ... quitting
echo *************************************************************************************
goto end
rem split string with the underscore from "reg_sz"
set pfdir=%@word["_",1,%pfdir]
rem all after 1st space
set pfdir=%@word[1-99,%pfdir]
set pfdir2=%@replace[:,$,%pfdir]
echo *************************************************************************************
echo we retrieved the following "programfilesdir(x86)":
echo *************************************************************************************
pause %pfdir / %pfdir2 ... continue with return
echo *************************************************************************************
echo trying to grant "logon as a service" to %account on %pc
echo *************************************************************************************
psexec %pc -c ServiceLogonRight.exe %account >& nul:
if %? ne 0 (
echo error: %? ... quitting
goto end
echo *************************************************************************************
echo successfully granted "logon as a service" to %account on %pc
echo *************************************************************************************
input /k"yn" can we start? %%response
if %response eq n (
echo quitting
goto end
echo *************************************************************************************
echo creating directory and copying files
echo *************************************************************************************
if not isdir "%pc\%pfdir2"\%service md "%pc\%pfdir2"\%service
copy /t *.* "%pc\%pfdir2"\%service
echo *************************************************************************************
echo ready to install the service
echo *************************************************************************************
if %isinstalled eq true (
echo trying to delete service %service
sc %pc stop %service >& nul:
delay 5
sc %pc delete %service
delay 5
sc %pc create %service %=
binpath= "%pfdir\%service\srvany.exe" %=
displayname= %service %=
type= own %=
start= demand %=
obj= %account %=
password= %password
reg add %pc\HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\%service /v Description /t reg_sz /d "Osram IT Maintenance Service" /f
reg add %pc\HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\%service\Parameters /v Application /t reg_sz /d "%pfdir%\%service\TCC.EXE" /f
reg add %pc\HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\%service\Parameters /v AppParameters /t reg_sz /d " /c %service.btm >& start.log" /f
reg add %pc\HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\%service\Parameters /v AppDirectory /t reg_sz /d "%pfdir%\%service" /f
echo *************************************************************************************
reg query %pc\HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\%service /s
sc %pc query %service
echo *************************************************************************************
echo service ist installiert
echo *************************************************************************************
echo start baretail?
? start baretail "%pc\%pfdir2\%service\start.log" "%pc\%pfdir2\%service\%service.log" n:\!admin\LOGS\ws\%@replace[\,,%pc]
echo start the service?
? sc %pc start %service
set verbose=off
set pc=
do par = 1 to %#
rem echo %[%par]
if %[%par] eq /v set verbose=on
if %@left[1,%[%par]] ne / set pc=%[%par]
If all works fine, the service is installed and at the end you can launch a logfile-viewer, start the service and watch the resulting logfiles.
I'm not sure that all is consistent, because I ported it from my "real world" to this abstract version.
If there are mistakes, problems or questions: please let me know.