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Done TCEdit Shortcuts and Font Name/Size

With every new installation of TCC,
I lose the shortcuts I have assigned in TCEdit.

For example, I have Ctrl+Q assigned to Toggle Comment.


I had to re-assign this and other shortcuts that I have assigned in TCEdit after the recent upgrade to 32.10.20

It would be great if TCEdit had an option to export all of the Shortcuts that I have defined,
to a file,
which I could then import into the newer version of TCEdit.

Same for the font name and size.

I have to change this after an upgrade to a newer version of TCEdit.

If TCEdit could export the font name and size to the same file as above,
I could then import it into the newer version of TCEdit.

I think the keyboard shortcuts are in the "Data" value in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\JP Software\TCEdit 32.10\Settings\NormalLayout\Shortcuts. Maybe you could use a BTM to refresh them. I don't know if/when keys inside "HKCU\JP Software" go away. I also have one for "TCEdit 32"
Found the shortcut key;


The left has the comment shortcut as Ctrl+L

The right has the comment shortcut as Ctrl+Q

That accelerator data and the data in the place I mentioned are identical (here, at least). I must have mentioned the defaults (NormalLayout) whereas you found the customized version.
Thanks @vefatica

Apparently, I only noticed the first difference.


Scrolling further down does indeed show it is the same in two locations.

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\JP Software\TCEdit 32.10\CommandBars]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\JP Software\TCEdit 32.10\Settings\NormalLayout\Shortcuts]


Ref: UltraCompare
From the registry,
I exported Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\JP Software\TCEdit 32.10 to TCEdit33.0.reg

In the TCEdit33.0.reg file,
I did a Find/Replace on the string TCEdit 32.10
and replaced it with the string TCEdit 33.0

I then ran TCEdit33.0.reg to import the settings into the registry.

I started Version 33 of TCC.EXE,
started TCEdit,
and I now have the same settings as I used in Version 32.10 of TCC.EXE

I still don't see why this could not be incorporated directly into TCEdit,
that is,
the ability to export settings,
and the ability to import settings.

Thanks Rex, that works for me.

There is a TCMD.INI option "XMLSettings=YES" that tells TCMD, IDE, and TCEdit to read & save their screen & keyboard settings to an XML file instead of the Windows Registry.
Is there a way write out the settings that have been obtained from the registry but continue to use the registry going forward? And, similarly, when installing a new version of TCMD, is there a way to read the XML settings initially and then use the registry?

The help file says that this facility is "for systems where the administrator has locked registry write access..." I would like to use it only temporarily. The help also mentions only the saving of the "IDE window layout," not the settings for TCMD and TCEdit.
Every time that I exit the IDE or TCEdit,
with XMLSettings=YES,
the following is written to my TCMD33 folder;
C:\...\TCMD33>dir /od *.xml 

 Volume in drive C is unlabeled    Serial number is acb2:6a48
 Directory of  C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD33\*.xml

2024-12-01  10:21           5,708  IDE.xml
2024-12-08  12:41           2,601  TCEdit.xml
               8,309 bytes in 2 files and 0 dirs    12,288 bytes allocated

I tried the following,
and it appears to do what you want.

  • Code:
  • Restart TCC
  • Open TCEdit, IDE, etc..
That is,
open each item for which you want to save the settings for,
to an .XML file.

Make sure that the .XML files have been created in the TCMD33 folder.
Make sure the date/time stamp reflects this.

  • Code:
  • Restart TCC

Now, you should be using the registry again.
After using TCEdit, etc.,
make sure that the date/time stamp has not changed on the .XML files.

My focus was solely for TCEdit,
but there are other registry settings that also need to be exported;

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\JP Software\Take Command 33.0
  • Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\JP Software\TCEdit 33.0
reg export "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\JP Software\Take Command 33.0" "r:\TCMD 33.0.reg"
reg export "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\JP Software\TCEdit 33.0" "r:\TCEdit 33.0.reg"
reg export "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\JP Software\IDE 33.0" "r:\IDE 33.0.reg"

XMLSettings is an advanced directive,
so it cannot be queried or changed with the OPTION command.

This will allow you to query the XMLSettings in the TCMD.INI file;
R:\>type "%_ininame" | ffind /kmt"XMLSettings"


R:\>echo %@iniread[%_ininame,4NT,XMLSettings]

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Converted to an alias;
alias XMLSettings=`type "%_ininame" | ffind /kmt"XMLSettings"`



alias=echo %@iniread[%_ininame,4NT,XMLSettings]


You are correct Charles.

It cannot be modified,
but can be queried.

I really need to start reading the help file,
when I read the help file.

None of this is working for me for several reasons.

First, there is no XMLSettings in my TCMD.INI file.

I can query the setting with OPTION, and it initially returns NO. I can then set it to YES using OPTION, and the query then returns YES. However, the INI file still has no entry. So this must be happening only in memory.

I was not sure where in the INI file I would need to add the directive, since it is not currently there at all. I guessed that it should be in the [TakeCommand] section. If I set it to YES there and open a new TCC tab or a standalone TCC session, no XML file is generated in the INI directory (or anywhere else that Everything indexes). So I figured that I would have to close TCMD and restart it in order for the setting to take effect. Indeed, it does then take effect, which means that TCMD opens without all of my settings from the registry. So my settings would not be saved, even if an XML file were to be written out -- and there is none! I tried opening TCEdit, and even then no XML file appeared.

Any ideas, anyone?
Here's where I have placed it in my tcmd.ini file;
Font=IBM 3270
ListColors=Bright White On Blue

This has been working for me.

It was only after moving XMLSettings=Yes to the [4NT] section and running TCEdit elevated that I managed to get a TCEDIT.xml file, under C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD33\ instead of C:\ProgramData\JP Software\Take Command 33\ , as I would have expected (that's where my TCMD.INI file resides).

Given this setting is for the benefit of people where the registry is locked away to from the user, it stands to reason that creating/modifying files under C:\Program Files\ would also be locked away.
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So, does this mean that there are two problems with the documentation for this setting? First, the help says that it applies only to the IDE window layout, while Rex said that it applies to TCMD and TCEdit settings also. Second, the help says that the IDE.XML file must be in the same directory as the TCMD.INI file.

Since @mfarah reported that he had to open TCEDIT in an elevated session, I opened TCMD elevated and tried making changes to the XMLSettings directive and watching to see what happens.

When I put XMLSettings=Yes in the [4NT] section and opened a new TCC tab, no XML file appeared in either "C:\ProgramData\JP Software\Take Command 33" (where my TCMD.INI file is stored) or "C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD33" (where the programs are stored).

When I move the XMLSettings=Yes directive to the [TakeCommand] section and open TCMD elevated, it opens without my settings (the toolbar is no longer where I placed and locked it, and the quick menu is back to the default). Again, I cannot find any XML files.

I'm at a stalemate and will have to wait until Rex replies to this thread.
When I put XMLSettings=Yes in the [4NT] section and opened a new TCC tab, no XML file appeared in either "C:\ProgramData\JP Software\Take Command 33" (where my TCMD.INI file is stored) or "C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD33" (where the programs are stored).

When you open TCEdit, and XMLSettings=Yes, TCEdit will read the TCEdit.xml file.

When you close TCEdit, and XMLSettings=Yes, TCEdit will write the TCEdit.xml file.

I always run my TCC elevated and as admin, which is why the files get stored in the TCMD33 folder.

My install is from TCMD, although I do not use TCMD.

I run TCC stand-alone.

     _x64: 1
   _admin: 1
_elevated: 1

I also tried launching standalone TCC sessions elevated and running TCEDIT. Nothing resulted in any XML files appearing in the places they should or in the TCMD33 folder (or anywhere else that EVERYTHING scans).