Select Customize Colors from the View menu to customize the colors that V uses to display the file.
Once Use Default Colors has been disabled, the following colors can be customized:
Normal Background/Text
The colors used to display the file.
Highlighted Background/Text
These colors are used to display highlighted/selected text. By default, these colors are the inverse of the text colors. That is, the background color is the text color and the text color is the background color.
Search Line Background/Text
When searching, the found text is displayed using the above highlighted colors.
Only the portion of the line that contains the found text will normally be highlighted. However, the part of the line that does not contain the found text may also be displayed in a different color to the standard text color. Doing this makes it easier to distinguish the line which contains the found text, especially if the found text is scrolled off the screen.
Highlight All Background/Text
These colors are used to display all string matches when the Highlight All option is enabled in the Search Bar.
Highlight All Line Background/Text
These colors are used to display the non-highlighted portion of all lines that contain a Highlight All match.
Line Numbers Normal/Highlight All
The first color is used to display line numbers (and addresses in HEX mode). It is also used to display text in fixed columns.
The second color will be used to display the line number for all lines that contain a Highlight All match.
Current Line Background
This color is used to draw the background of the current line.
Bookmark Background
This background color is used to display bookmarked lines.
Grid Line
This color is used to draw the Grid Lines when right-clicking on the ruler.
Block Marker
This color is used to draw the start of block marker. A block marker is created by right-clicking on a position in the file and selecting Mark Block->Start Point.