Take Command v15 Public Beta, Part 2
Today I’ll cover the new .INI directives, internal variables, and variable functions in Take Command 15.0. (You can see the full feature list for v15 in the What’s New in Version 15 section of the online help.)
INI Directives:
TrayHotKey=T The hotkey to toggle Take Command to and from the system tray. The specified alphabetic key is combined with Ctrl + Shift, so the default hotkey is Ctrl-Shift-T.
Copyright=YES|no Display the TCC copyright message at startup. This is the same as the TCC /Q startup option, and only applies to registered copies.
EverythingSearch=yes|NO If YES, CDD will use “Everything Search” (http://www.voidtools.com) instead of JPSTREE.IDX for fuzzy directory matching. See CDD for details. Everything Search is much faster than using JPSTREE.IDX; however, it will only work for NTFS drives.
FilesCaseSensitive=yes|NO If YES, filename comparisons will be case sensitive (like Linux, and unlike Windows).
Redo=Alt-Y Key mapping directive to redo last edit (see Undo and Redo above).
Undo=Alt-Z Key mapping directive to undo last edit (see Undo and Redo above).
The password fields in TCMD.INI for the Internet settings are encrypted.
Internal Variables:
%_do_loop – Incremented each time through a DO loop.
%_tclistview – Returns the selected items in the List View window as an include list.
%_virtualbox – Returns 1 if TCC is running in a VirtualBox VM.
Variable Functions:
%@DISKFREE – Now supports the OpenAFS 1.7.x redirector to retrieve disk space usage.
%@DISKTOTAL – Now supports the OpenAFS 1.7.x redirector to retrieve disk space usage.
%@DISKUSED – Now supports the OpenAFS 1.7.x redirector to retrieve disk space usage.
%@FORMAT – If the second argument (string) doesn’t exist, @FORMAT now treats it as an empty string and pads the output accordingly.
%@LINES – Now also sets two environment variables:
_LINES_MAXLEN – The length of the longest line
_LINES_MAXLOC – The line number (base 0) of the longest line.
%@MACADDRESS – Returns the MAC address of the network interface at the specified address.
%@SELECT – Added optional start line and key mask fields. The start line will highlight the specified line number (the first line is 1).
The selected line number will be now be returned in the SELECT_LINE environment variable.
If you specify a key mask, the searching is disabled, and TCC will check input keystrokes for a match against the key mask. If a match is found, @SELECT will return the current line and set the _SELECT_KEY environment variable to the input key value. The key mask is in the same format as INKEY /K.
The format is:
%@TIME – Added (not very useful, not recommended, and then only for the USA) support for am/pm time. For example:
%@TALNUM[string] – Returns the number of alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, and 0-9) characters in the string
%@TALPHA[string] – Returns the number of alphabetic characters (a-z, A-Z) in the string
%@TASCII[string] – Returns the number of 7-bit ASCII characters (0x00 – 0x7F) in the string
%@TCNTRL[string] – Returns the number of ASCII control characters (0x00 – 0x1F and 0x7F) in the string
%@TLOWER[string] – Returns the number of lower case alphabetic characters in the string
%@TUPPER[string] – Returns the number of upper case alphabetic characters in the string
%@TDIGIT[string] – Returns the number of decimal digits (0-9) in the string
%@TPRINT[string] – Returns the number of printable characters in the string
%@TPUNCT[string] – Returns the number of punctuation characters (printable characters which are not alphanumeric or space) in the string
%@TSPACE[string] – Returns the number of white space characters (0x09 – 0x0D or 0x20) in the string
%@TXDIGIT[string] – Returns the number of hexadecimal digits (0 – 9, A – F) in the string
Plugins can now access array variables directly through the ArrayVariables array. See TakeCmd.h in the SDK for details.
The Take Command v15.0 public beta is available at:
https://jpsoft.com/downloads/v15/tcmdx64.exe (64-bit)