Take Command v15 Public Beta, Part 4
Today we’ll wrap up the new features in Take Command 15.0. by covering the new internal commands. (You can see the full feature list for v15 in the What’s New in Version 15 section of the online help.)
New Commands:
Combines the ASSOC and FTYPE command. ASSOCIATE will display, delete, or create associations. The syntax is:
ASSOCIATE [/D /F /P /R filename /U] [.ext [program]]
/D – Delete the association for the specified .ext
/F – Force an overwrite of an existing association
/P – Pause after each page (only useful when running ASSOCIATE with no arguments)
/R – Read associations from a file. The lines in the file must be in the format .ext=program
/U – Add the file association in HKCU instead of HKCR
Monitor the current date and time, and execute the specified command when they match the saved time. If you don’t specify any arguments, DATEMONITOR will display the current dates & times it is monitoring, and the associated commands.
DATEMONITOR [/C] yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm n command
/C Clear any existing date monitors
n Number of repetitions (or FOREVER)
command Command to execute when the date matches the current time
The date must be in ISO (yyyy-mm-dd) format, and the time in 24-hour format.
DATEMONITOR sets two environment variables when the condition is triggered:
_datemonitor The current date in yyyy-mm-dd format
_timemonitor The current time in hh:mm (24-hour) format
Echo a line to STDOUT without performing any variable expansion or redirection. The syntax is:
ECHOX text
Echo a line to STDERR without performing any variable expansion or redirection. The syntax is:
Search for files and/or directories on local NTFS drives using “Everything Search” (http://www.voidtools.com). EVERYTHING by default does a wildcard search equivalent to “*filename*”, and outputs the full pathname of all matching files and/or directories. The syntax is:
EVERYTHING [/C /D /F /M=n /P /R /W] filename […]
/C Filename matching is case sensitive
/D Only search for directories
/F Only search for files
/M=n Only return a maximum of n files / directories. (Note that /M determines the total number of matches prior to any additional filtering. If you use /D or /F you will end up with the total minus the number of directories or files you excluded.)
/P Match path names
/R filename is a regular expression (EVERYTHING will automatically set the regular expression flag if the filename begins with ::)
/W Match whole word
You need to install Everything Search and index your local NTFS drives before using EVERYTHING.
Executes the specified command when a screen saver is active. If you don’t specify any arguments, SCREENMONITOR will display the the current screensaver monitor command (if any). Once the condition has been set, it will not be set again until the screen saver becomes inactive and then active again.
SCREENMONITOR [/C] n command
/C Clear any existing screen saver monitors
n Number of repetitions (or FOREVER)
command Command to execute when the screen saver becomes active