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SignUp Now!EXTPROC C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe
dir c:\
C:\> test.cmd
TCC: Unknown command "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exeC:\test.cmd"
Interesting... I didn't know about EXTPROC before. But it doesn't seem to be working for me in v17.
/* REXX */
numeric digits 20
parse arg infile
call stream infile, 'c', 'open read'
outfile = "temp.txt" ; call stream outfile, 'c', 'open write replace'
do while lines(infile)
incard = linein(infile)
parse var incard 1 cx 2 tail
when cx = ';' then break
when cx = '=' then interpret 'outcard='tail
otherwise ; outcard = tail ; end
call lineout outfile, outcard
call stream infile, 'c', 'close'
call stream outfile, 'c', 'close'
EXTPROC simpcalc.rex
; goto :eof
; Inline calculator
= 0.3048*3
= o.3048*66